Out in the Mountains V Pamela Gale Civil Rights Bill Signed Continued from page I handed the pen used to sign the bill to Keith Goslant of whom Senator Wolk said, “Keith probably had a better at- tendance record than some of the mem- bers” (of the Legislature). Even after the final vote, supporters found it hard to believe the bill was re- ality. Passed relatively easily in the Sen- ate by a vote of 20-9, the bill faced an uphill fight in the House. Among the hurdles were language changes, in- cluding a controversial addition to ex- clude automatic coverage of domestic partners by Ruth Stokes (also a member of the Board of Trustees at UVM); and fierce lobbying by fundamentalist groups, including Palm Sunday sermons chastising several representatives. A last minute effort to kill it through re- consideration failed on a vote of 80 to 67, a wider margin than the bill itself re- ceived. After the signing, supporters, still some- what in awe that it really was true, greet- ed one another with the words, “I-Ii cit- izen,” a reference the feeling expressed by many during the course of the fight that they did not feel like real citizens of the state since they lacked the legal pro- tections and rights of other citizens. S-131 takes effect on July 1, 1992. For more on the bill see Susan Sussman’s ar- ticle, “What to Do Next: Enforcement of the Anti-Discrimination Bill” on page 10 and Ron Squires’ testimony reprinted on page 4. V “Ask me how to save on car insurance.” lfyou bring your home and car insurance to Allstate, you could receive attractive savings on your Allstate car insurance policy.]ust give me a call about the Allstate Multi—Line Discount It could really give you a lift Call Ellen Hetherington - 863-3808 cm lh-Ifluwtillhmh Allstate‘ You’reingoodhands. Therapeutic Massage Certified Massage Therapist \\.J \ 802-864-0903 Burlington, VT hifi . Member VT Massage Guild kl’ Graduate Florida School of Massage Gift Certificates/Sliding Fee Scale Howard Russell, M.A. Individual, Couples, & Group Counseling Some insurance accepted — Sliding fee scale 2 Church St., Burlington, VT 482-2335