I Dykes To Watch Out For I we FUNMPENTALTHIHG5 APPLy. . _ INALLV 57:}/ne — “A” T” ’ FACE WITH HER PASSIONATE PEN PAL, I GINGER 33 . _ cIIoI<£5! @ @992 By ALISON BECHDEL By Alison Bechdel so. HERE'S OUR omow FOR rvmsnr WELL GOHAI/E A DINNER FoR.SI'ART£I?5,T‘HF_N sec A Mow: — Hékfiyvng LISTIK/GS‘ oR‘IHE+2£'; /w AFRICNV Qtwce TROUPE In 1owN, 9K we (0./1.bGo'Ib’THIS Pay ATTHE umvex5Iry_ 114,91 __ AFTER -nmr we ow So -=< arr D045/ClIJ6;0R ELSE TD A PART)’ Jone FRIEIJDJ ARI; HAVING. B/HATLVEP yvu >’ou'RE EIGHT. ‘nus '5 MUCH Berra: ’IlIAv~.I Ruwmc. OR MAYBE wees’; AM ow mvaé on (auto MAKE WPCORN. /. THANkI£J5 LIFE "a> ‘ us Acrmm 7' June 1992 When Enough People Die Liza Kuney “When enough people die” are me words and sentiment that inspired one student to take action on the St. Michael’s campus. After hearing these words uttered, Jim Gallagher and his peers decided that the time had come for the alternative student newspaper, The Devil's Advocate to spark conversations about AIDS and stu- dent sex across the campus. Realizing that the Catholic Church and St. Mi- chaels College ignore the fact that young people are having sex, and often unsafe sex, this small journalistic staff deposited condoms in every third issue of their pub- lication to generate talk and raise aware- ness. And generate talk they did. Jim explained that something had to be done since the AIDS issue had been by- passed for several years by the campus community, but that the true intention of The Devil's Advocate was blurred and confused: “We sent condoms as a sym- bol, a means of inspiring conversation, not as valid forms of AIDS prevention for use on Saturday night.” Five hundred of these symbols were acquired from Planned Parenthood, and even though The Devil's Advocate staff was scolded by the media board and the administra- tion for a breach of the College’s dis- tribution policy, no heavy personal sanc- tions were issued. Since the time of the condom distribution readership and response to The Devil's Advocate have increased. Jim feels that incorporating the condoms as part of their message helped them reach their goal. Jim’s sentiments remain as a strong incentive for future action of this nature: “I am incredibly glad that I did it. We really made a difference.” V 185 NORTH STREET BENNINGTON, VT 05201 / \ DR. NANCY L. BURNS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN BODY MIND (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) (802) 447-2110 Janet K. Bl‘0WIl,MA.,C.A.C Jean Townsend, M.A. BY APPOWTMENT Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor SPIRIT Milton, VT (802) 893-4816 - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES - TRAUMA AND LOSS - DEPRESSION Individuals Couples Families Burlington, VT (802) 863-8162