G-UTVM Conference 1992 “A Huge Success” Tom Aloisi The first annual Northern New England Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual (glb) student conference was held at the University of Vermont April 10-12. Todd Jemison and Robert Coffey, leaders of the UVM Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alliance (GLBA) were ecstatic about the positive response from other student groups in the area. “We always had the underlying fear that no one would show up,” Coffey said. “We were very pleased with the tum-out we had. Our biggest concern in the last few weeks was where to house every- one.” Saturday was filled with workshops attended by approximately 100 individuals from 19 different schools, as well as by many lo- cal residents. Students carne from as far as Kingston, Ontario, and Providence, R.I. Nine Vermont colleges were represented, as well as one high school. Topics included internalized homophobia, ca- reer opportunities, safer sex, working with glb youths, peer coun- seling, homosexuality and the bible, and more. The workshop leaders came from a variety of local resource organizations in- cluding Vermont C.A.R.E.S., Outright Vermont, St. Michael’s College, Plymouth (NH) State College, Lake Champlain P- FLAG, and UVM. The conference seemed to avoid any last minute crises, despite a snowstorm Saturday morning. One workshop leader was late, re- ported Jemison, but he arrived having pushed his broken-down truck to the Living Learning Center! Said Coffey enthusiastically, “I can’t believe we pulled it off without a hitch! This is a huge success!” All participants spoke of enjoying the conference a great deal, but many wish the workshops had gone on longer. “I wish we could have gone more in depth into the topics discussed in each work- shop,” one participant said, “but I guess we would need a whole week for that!” Another was pleased with the free accommoda- tions. “We love you for providing housing! Thank you!” On Saturday night, the crowd was entertained by a variety of dancers, poets, musicians, and speakers. Howdy Russell spoke about the sexual orientation bill. “On Friday, the Vermont House of Representatives, in a preliminary vote, passed the anti- drscrimination bill to protect all citizens regardless of sexual or- ientation. What a welcoming that was to people arriving in Ver- mont for this conference. On Monday it looks like it will pass in a final vote.” The large crowd cheered in anticipation of a yes vote from the Vermont House. Time to celebrate ourselves indeed. V ARANOFF A'[;'FC)1KI\TEYS AT LAVV UPSON SERVING THE NEEDS OF THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY V Susan L. Aranoff Lisa A. Upson 28 MAIN STREET, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802.223.1418 -:;:¢:?:- $5 959 Passiolzgs o JP: \_”earl.s-,,_ Friday, Junev5 Women ’s Dance $5.00 5-9 p.m. Wednesday June 17 Pasta Night-All you can eat $5.95 6-9 p.m. Thursday, June 18 Juice Bar $3.00 cover 9 p.m. (All other Thursdays of the month, Free D.J.) Saturday, June 20 Ladies Lounge Dance $1.00 7- 10 p.m. Saturday, June 27 Dances with Men-Buffet $3.00 7-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday Night Door Cover Policy — Before 9:00 pm. Free - 9:00 - 10:00 pm $1.00 After 10:00 pm $3 .00 Pearls 135 Pearl Street - Burlington, Vermont GAY & LESBIAN COUPLES GROUP Ten sessions for Building and Enhancing Healthy, Satisfactory Relationships Beginning Soon at PARTNERS IN GROWTH & RECOVERY, INC 182 Main Street, Burlington Therapists: ERICA MARKS, M.A. GHTA CLARK, M. A. 865-2403 Please Call For More Information June 1992