——} Women Outdoors National Gathering: June 5-7, 1992. Southern New Hamp- shire is the site for the 13th annual wom- en’s weekend of hiking, biking, canoeing, workshops, rock climbing, and more. All women welcome. For more information write Deb, Women Outdoors, 217 Dun- ham St. #1, Southington, CI‘ 06489. EDUCATION Champlain College gay, lesbian, bi- sexual support group. Weekly meetings in Student Resource Center. Contact Becky Peterson at 658-0800 ext. 2605 or Carol Moran-Brown at 658-0800 ext. 2603 for more info. Johnson State College Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Group meets Tuesdays twice a month at 6:30 p.m. in a confidential loca- tion. Group welcomes student, faculty, staff and members of the local com- munity. Call Jackie or Shelly at (802) 635-2356 ext. 259 for more info. Lesbian Educators Meeting occa- sionally- Call Margaret at (802) 879- 6559. Lyndon State College gay, lesbian, bi- sexual support group, The Beacon. Call Mary Sue Kelly at (802) 626-9371 ext. 140, or write The Beacon, c/o Student Activities Office, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, VT 05851. Marlboro Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian Group Marlboro College, Marlboro, VT 05344 Networking/discussion group for les- bians, gay men, & bisexuals in higher education in Vermont now forming. Contact Thelma Stoudt, STEP Learning Center, Castleton State College, Castle- ton, VT 05735. Queer on the Quads Monthly forum (col- umn) for lesbian, gay, and bisexual stu- dents in Northern New England. Contact Erica Rand, Art Department, Bates Col- lege, Lewiston, ME 04240 for more info. University of Vermont Gay, Lesbian Bi- sexual Alliance Weekly meetings Thurs- day evenings at 7 p.m. in the Chapel Con- ference Room, Billings Student Center. Open to UVM undergrads, graduate stu- dents, area college students and com- munity members. Call GLBA at 656-0699 for more information or write to us at B- 163, Billings Student Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. FOR SALE Beautiful, housebroken AKC blue-eyed Siberian Husky pups. First shots, de- wormed, socialized, started on home obe- dience training. Excellent bloodlines, dis- positions, and markings. Two females. 899-3740 anytime. ‘ GROUP ANNOUNCEMENTS Chiltern Mountain Club. Outdoor sports and recreation organization for gay men and lesbians. Steering committee is Bos- ton-based, but membership is spread all over New England. Call the info-line re- cording at (617) 859-2842 or write to Chil- tern Mountain Club, PO Box 407-V, Bos- ton, MA 02117-0407 for more info. Formerly Battered Lesbian Network meets monthly in Montpelier. Safety is- sues & confidentiality respected. Especial- ly seeking formerly battered lesbian repre- sentatives from each county. Write to Carla, PO Box 322, Montpelier, VT 05601 for info. Include phone number with best times to reach you & safety considerations you need observed. May 1992 Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Adult Children of Alcoholics group meets Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m. at Burlington College. Please join us. For more info call John at 863-2437 (days). HIV/AIDS Drop-In Support Group. Tuesdays 1 pm-2 pm at Vermont C.A.R.E.S., 30 Elmwood Ave, Burling- ton, VT. Call 863-2437 or 1-800-649- 2437 for more info. Lake Champlain Chapter PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets at 2:00 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month at First United Methodist Church (comer of S. Winooski & Buell). For information, call (802) 658-3961. Lesbian Cancer Support Group now meets bimonthly in the Burlington area. For more information, call 660-8386. Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Psychotherapists Regular meetings. Contact Bill Lippert at 482-3528 for info and dates. Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Potluck Second Sunday of each month. First Unitarian Church. Burlington, 152 Pearl St. Meet in tlie- upstairs parlor at 12:30 p.m. fol- lowing the service. (All welcome, wheth- er or not you attend the service). Lesbian Support - Evenings or week- ends. Call Claire at 524-5468. Would like help in forming the group or call just to talk. Also provide support for lesbians in abusive relationships. New England Lesbian and Gay Jour- nalists Association New England Chap- ter of National Lesbian and Gay Joumal- ists Association. Network for lesbian and gay journalists to meet and discuss com- mon professional concerns. For more in- formation contact Michelle Johnson (617)524-0518. $ 2 Animal Inn Carol Skon Ge GROOMING Claudia Cook R.D.1 Box 1980 Fairfax,Vt. 05454 802-524-4574 BOARDING TRAINING Green Mountain Feminist Counseling Service Carol'E. Cohen M.S.W._ - Life and Career Crises ~Troubled Relationships - Substance Abuse -Lesbian and Gay Positive Individuals, Couples, Groups Burlington, 864-5595 - Sliding Fee