Out in the Mountains Community Center to Survey L/G/B Community John Olson A planning committee for the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual (L/G/B) community center for the Burlington area met recently to review an upcoming survey of the local community. The survey will be distributed throughout the L/G/B community in Vermont to gather input and help determine priorities for the center. A copy of the survey is enclosed in this issue of Out in the Mountains, and may be returned to PO Box 5122, Burlington, VT 05402-5122. The committee is seeking input from individuals about what should be included in this center, how decisions should be made, and how we all can support it. The survey is de- signed to be anonymous, but people may choose to be added to our confidential mail- ing list by including their name, address and phone number. The committee is asking that surveys be completed and returned by May 15, 1992. A summary of responses will be published in a future issue of Out in the Mountains, and we hope to have information about the community center available during the Gay & Lesbian Pride rally this summer. Surveys are also available at Pearls, Outright Vermont, The Burlington Women’s Council, and the Peace on Earth Store in Burlington. They may be returned to any of these locations or mailed to PO Box 5122, Burlington, VT 05402-5122. For more information or to get involved, contact John Olson during the day at 863- 2437. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at the offices of Outright Vermont on College Street in Burlington. Please join us and please complete your survey today. V Northampton Lesbian Festival to Return in July Watch your local listings for the Third Annual Northampton Lesbian Festival, now expanding to two days by popular demand. Come join over 2,000 dykes for a hot summer weekend. Featured per- formers include Two Nice Girls, Suede, Roy and Reggie and Zoe Lewis. Intro- ducing Girls in the Nose, Austin’s other hot-rockin’ band of women. Plus many more. Numerous workshops will be held as well. For more information, call 413- 586-8251. July 25th and 26th at Hamp- shire College in Amherst, MA. V THOMAS L. PEAHKS Attorney at Law COU RTN EY Fl 5H EK CLASSIC VERMONT Domestic Partnership and ARCHITECTURE 8» LANDSCAPING Family Law 444 South Union Street "°2'554'62‘3 Suite 3S (802) 863-4657 Burlington, Vermont 05401 FAX (802) 658-4293 Classifieds 0ITM’s Classified Section features item for sale, housing opportunities, service offered and the like. Individuals man place ads at a rate of 50¢ per word with; $5.00 minimum; businesses at 75¢ pa word with a $10.00 minimum. Sub scribers to OITM may place free at vertisements in any category up to sin times per year. You place or respondn ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume re sponsibility. To be considered for publicn tion, ads must be received by the lstol the month prior to the issue. Mail to PO Box 177, Burlington, VT, 05402. Pay- ment must accompany your ad copy, ant‘ we must have your full name, addresn and phone number (these will be key confidential). CONFERENCES/GATHERINGS Golden Threads Annual Celebration Sixth annual Golden Threads Celebration will take place from June 26-28, 1992,21 the Provincetown Inn in Provincetown MA. Entertainment provided by Robin Tyler. Golden Threads is a worldwide so cial network of lesbians over 50, and women who are interested in older wom- en. For more info please contact Christine Burton, Golden Threads, PO Box 3177, Burlington, VT 05401-0031. PFLAG International Conference Elev- enth annual Parents and Friends of Les- bians and Gays (PFLAG) international convention. Seattle, WA, September 4-7. registraation $150 per person before Au- gust 1, $165 after that date. For more in- formation or to get a registration packet contact Ardyce Fish, 7737 14th S.W., Seattle, WA 98106 (206) 763-4575.