May 1992 The Quilt I “mm W Returns to D.C. 5H£'5 come! In Two wcm, I _‘ I SHE'S GOWABEHERE! , . The NAMES project has announced I g , ‘, " -'s.';'.g'. _- plans to bring the entire AIDS Quilt back ' . '< ’ I - to Washington, D.C. in October of 1992. The display, planned for Columbus Day 3 weekend (October 9-11), will mark the I I Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel first showing of the entire quilt since 1989, which many felt would be the the last such display due to its enonnous size. The 1992 display will mark five ‘: years since the first display at the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay : Rights in 1987. In 1987 there were 3 I 26,000 American deaths to remember. The number is likely to have surpassed 200,000 by the time the quilt is displayed in October. c-mc.:Iz,w: HAVE‘lD‘t’ALK — . ‘ "-*5‘ "" H . I HAD . I T’;af4?;E"j\”f.APL'j°”L,fS1 5,” W TR';gK5gF"¢7:ETDw'<:§Z HAVE A LCIT MOKE manor wax: S-nu. on Tue um: um I M TA H _ wuy_ um ‘TD BED AT MIDNIGHT! .. ”-("‘’G T” E“ 3”; IS SHE Bemome AREM r )’oU EXCITED. » ~ -.. .. » = _ , 50MEoNEFokME (N THE DA‘! FDR IF )bU EXERLISED IN ‘(ME EHITEMENT. NRNNG5. I FEEL 5o ' ., ALIVE.’ UET3 Go, I! Executive Director David Lemos said, “As we move into the second decade of the AIDS epidemic, one might not be- lieve we are in the midst of an inter- national health crisis, based on the re- sponse of our government and the media. Ten years into this epidemic and our gov- ernment still has no national AIDS strat- egy. The debate about AIDS is limited to HIV immigration policy and pris10on sentences for HIV-positive health work- ers, when the real debate should be about finding the resources to end this epi- demic, care for the sick and to combat HIV discrimination and the underlying homophobia. Our hope is for nothing less than a historic event, a turning point in the fight against AIDS. If you share our anger, frustration and commitment to ac- tion, then please join us in Washington D.C., October 9-1 1.” NAH. WE'RE " Jusr name To KEEPA up on HEKENTKIBIAS/VI so SHE IaJovI'T BEGUITE So Dnsawomreo wuw (FA COUPLE I5 REALLY COMM:-r-rel) TD EXPLOR1 no INTMMcy, ‘ME "IN Love" reztmg ow De£J’E'~’ ovaz TIME,’ ‘‘ ‘.'. ' GIVE HEKSUCHA HARD TIME, Lots? 5:42 oeszkves TD ae wry. PUH-LEEZE.’ ‘THAT '5 Jusr PROPAGANDA TD K55? anew PUT; IN Bu5mE5§. I'M A REALIJT. I1 0&5‘/'1 M51! HM/A couruci is rJEct-:5;/127’ 5&7 sweet MD MALIK/I DON'T (ox Aw oueomt; MAKE IT Tmzoucw ms waxew F! WITHOU-r HA4/W6 '71: PRWESS _ _ '.' .557 PRo<£S5.’ COPNG Corlmucnvay wmt Foe Iflruwy «um LATERXJJ HA/ETDDML You on. BUTNM Mm EACH omens‘ For more information contact The NAMES Project Foundation, 2362 Mar- I ket St., San Francisco, CA 94114. V : I BODY MIND SPIRIT 185 NORTH STREET (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) BENNINGTON, VT 05201 Janet K. BroWn,MA,C.AC Jean Townsend, M.A. (802) 447-2110 BY APPOINTMENT Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental \ / Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor / DR_ NANCYVL. BURNS - ACOA ° IDENTITY ISSUES \ CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN ' TRAUMA AND L055 - DEPRESSION Individuals Couples Families Burlington, VT Milton, VT (802) 863-8162 (802) 893-4816