6. Besides being a local resource center, having community bulletin boards m plenty of safe, well-lit parking, what else needs to be included in this centm Using the following list - and your own ideas - rate each item by its importm to you and your friends. Use these ratings: 0 Wouldn't want it 1 Not interested 2 Somewhat interesu‘ 3 Very interested 4 Must be included A. FACILITIES ___owning our own building child care space ___office spaces for 1/g/b groups coffee shop and/or deli ___l/g/b vendor space (retail shops) kitchen facilities ___small meeting spaces (10-25 people) food vending machines large meeting space (50-100 people) ool tables, ping pong, etc. separate spaces for men and women video games separate spaces for youth and seniors recreational space for sports comfortable drop-in/hang—out space health club facilities ___library and/or reading room ___l/g/b hotline for services & info ___art exhibit and/or studio space ___stage and performance space ___smoke- and alcohol—free space safe transportation to/from cenu other III B. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES ___workshops/classes: self-defense, health, legal issues, cooking, etc. ___sponsor art exhibits, community forums, cultural awareness events, etc. ___topic discussions including: the arts, politics, health, relationships ___create a local 1/g/b "united fund" for fund raising, grants for our commum ___provide advocacy and support services related to hate crimes ___be an "umbrella" organization for local 1/g/b groups and tenant services ___help organize athletic groups, business people, activists, political group ___publish directory of local 1/g/b businesses, services ___provide support group meeting spaces ___help organize 1/g/b credit unim ___bring in entertainers, concerts, etc. provide legal aid services publish newsletter, events calendar ___other 7. What else should we consider? 8. How can you and your friends help? Check all that apply. volunteer time donate materials pay membership donate mm barter services serve on committees help with management/operatfl other: 9. If you'd like to be added to our confidential mailing and phone list, pla add your name, address, and phone number here: Any donation that you can make new is also appreciated to help get us startem Make checks payable to out in the Mountains and return with your survey to: PO Box 5122, Burlington, VT 05402, by May 15, 1992. Thank you for helping to establish the priorities for a community center for! lesbian, gay and bisexual people and their friends in our area. We meet tw second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at OUTRIGHT Vermont. Please join usfl *7 ,- ,,,_ , j