Out in the Mountains Be There or Be Straight! (even if you are [straight] that’s OK too) Rick Wold North East Vermonters for Gay and Les- bian Rights (NEVGALR) is sponsoring a benefit dance Saturday night, May 9th at Jonathan’s in St. Johnsbury. The ac- tivities will start at 8 p.m. and will last till midnight (after that you’re on your own). It will be BYOB and BYODCD. If you've got a favorite CD you like to dance to, by all means bring it; although there will be plenty of music your fa- vorites would be appreciated! Besides dancing, there will be a half-time show (rumored to rival last year’s Superbowl half-time show), and a fifty-fifty raffle - someone will actually leave with more money than they came in with! This will be the perfect party for those who still like anonymity! Jonathan’s is an off street location in the Northeast Kingdom. Find Railroad Street in St. Johnsbury (Rt. 5), going north turn right after Brook’s Pharmacy, across the RR tracks and gaily forward! The $5 donation at the door helps NEV- GALR continue sponsoring programs on homophobia and generally making peo- ple aware of the issues facing gays, les- bians and bisexuals. Be there or be straight! Even if you are (straight), that’s OK too. We are just OUT to have fun! V Dykes To Watch Out For uou an I EAT? AN ozon|E SKIN CMCEIU HOLE couw oral UP over out HE/1 05 AN)’ /"\!NL)TE Now! LIFE AS we Krlow IT IS ABOUTTZ) CHANGE FOREVER.’ AMDMSUPPOSEDTDEAT? ‘ ’:i '1 - __ T a CATAMt'r.s.' wuu IMMUNE SYJTEMS .’ ITNEREP (MP5! MAT’: EVEN IF‘ WE 5T0l’IW\K!N(7 CHl0RO' 0", ANDTHAT5 JUPFDSEDTD FLUOROCARBONS NOW, THE ozoue wru. Comma: me DAMAGE ISN'T meme FEEL Bemek? IEEZ. . !KREVf.RSIl5LE CLARICE. you snouw BE come P.R. ,4;-.«, To t7E1tRroRArt=. Fok o£cAvEs.' BITQ-ZOEGE yer. .—’~ fox me DUPONTCDRFDRATION.’ 5;‘-111 Busu xwvrns CHEM1cA1,iNt>U.5TRy saw AT - _- —— — __ _- 4 ' EVENGRAWAL Pweou M0, CHILL.’ Hod, IT5 A REAL TREAT USTENIN6 11> you RANT. GREAT! wt Got we aurcouuwousm»: (T fi)RLATEK? FIRST snmwr «FROM I'D were HEAR Ho»! CJAKICE 8 TONI ARE DOING, AND MAYBE /- \/as-rsaw\~/I HAVE AN ACTUAL ., COWEIOATION. \\ ‘ WHAT DO THEY ours ABOUT THE PLANET? THEY’!/E LIVEIPTHEIKLH/E5.’ THE)’ 'Ré Au GONNA DIE BEFDRE IT é€Tf Ran)’ BAD, _5o‘fHEYMl6|iT A 5 ueu MAreA BUct(_I wwmz you DD. BOTH ma. A Hr! 0F11iAT I HAVE MY GIFT ML PMMIED our.’ saws , /WWMU-A HMECULW SIMBLDCIC I A306 of D!5‘rILl£D u/Arrk, , MD AN E9457 wt-:BlSyLn11£ _, " LAVENDHZ GASMASK! PO Box 220 Hyde Park, Vermont 05655-0220 VALERIE WHITE Humanist Minister American Humanist Association Namings - Weddings — Union Ceremonies - Memorial Services Coming Out? Need help with family, Friends, work, sexuality? 10 Week Group For Women. Some insurance accepted. Coll Nancy Des Rault, M.S.W.. L.S.W. at 860-8424 or Carol Cohen, M.S.W. 01864-5595 for information (802) 888—4l00 Office (802) 888-2977 Home By Alison Bechdel 5