Out in the Mountains The Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Con- nection (RAGLC) A support and social organization for the Rutland area gay and lesbian community. See the Calendar list- ings for upcoming events. If you would like more information about our group, please write to: RAGLC at PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736. Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents - Monthly Sunday Pot Luck B1’l1l'lCh. See the Calendar listing for dates. Call 893- 6146 for location and more info. HELP WANTED Sales Opportunity Seeking self-starting, self-motivated person or persons to sell medical products. VT, NH, ME area, in- cliding a new, revolutionary medical product. 40-50k potential first year. Con- tact Stephen Pitt. I.A.T. Medical Products Company, (518) 792-4553. HOUSING Susan and Carol are selling their house in Williston: 4 BR, 2 baths, 4.75 acres; $115,000. Call Marlene at 879-0466 to see. Would also consider renting. Lesbian with 2 cats in need of a room- mate to share 2 bedroom house. Yard, garden space, off—st1eet parking. Winoo- ski. 655-3637. For Sale: Condo, Old North End. Asking $60,000. 865-4241. Two furnished bedrooms in gay home. Includes separate family room, bathroom, laundry. 25 minutes from Burlington. $275, $250 utilities included. Call 372- 5248, l1a.m-9p.m. Manhattan Penthouse: 1 bedroom, beau- tifully furnished. Central East Side loca- tion. Available week-ends no two weeks at a time. $75 per night. If interested write Jim, PO Box 1291, Montpelier, VT 05602. NETWORKING Fishing buddies wanted. Opening day ain’t far away. Call Dave at 862-9749. Electric Guitarist seeks other Burlington area musicians. Likes everything. Call 862-9749. Gay and lesbian agriculturalists and homesteaders. Anyone interested in forming a network, please write to share ideas to: Turtle, c/o OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Greater Central Vermont Area gay men’s support/social network is alive and welcoming new members. Weekly meetings, social alternatives, and net- working, etc. Contact Box 301, Montpe- lier, VT 05602 or call (802) 244-1488. Lesbians 60 and over: Group being formed for mutual support, discussion of aging issues and social times. Call 658- 5510 for more information. SERVICES Carpet binding, repair work, fringing, repairing of oriental fringes, beautiful custom-made area border carpets (large or small). Installation of area rugs & pad. Call Vicky or Jane, (802) 899-3740. TRAVEL Greenhope Farm Verrnont’s own les- bian playground! Six cozy guest rooms, fabulous vegetarian cuisine, maple syrup and cheese made on premises. Horse- back riding (trail rides and lessons). (802) 533-7772. LESBIAN PARADISE: With 20 charming rooms, 100 mountain acres, heated pool, hot tub, hiking/skiing trails, spacious fireplaced common areas, yum- my breakfasts, peace and privacy, we’re your perfect vacation choice year round! Highlands Inn, Box ll8VT, Bethlehem NH 03574. (603) 869-3978. Grace, Inn- keeper. Earthwise - Outdoor Vacations for Women Vermont, N.H., Maine, Ad- irondacks with Anne La Bastille. Write: P.O. Box 1029, Wilmington, Vermont 05363. WANTED Lesbian Photographer seeking other lesbian women who would consent to having their pictures taken for inclusion in a photo book of lesbians. Phone Sandy, 860-7320, after 5 p.m., for more information. 22 ,{ The Gay Lesbian Bisexual Allianu (GLBA) at the University of Vermontl looking for donations of any books win gay themes for our rather meager library Many of our books are hopelessly out dated, and we’d love to update our re sources. We’re located on the groum level of the Billings Student Center,h office B—163, and our number is 656 0699. Thanks! Typewriters? Does anybody out then have a good typewriter they don’t net or want anymore? A group of ambition gay, lesbian, and bisexual collegiate would LOVE to get their hands on it GLBA, 656-0699. Rape Crisis Center Seeks Volunteers The Women’s Rape Crisis Center 1 seeking volunteers to work with sur vivors of rape, child sexual abuse, andt provide community education on sexui assault awareness & prevention. For int and to register for training call 864-055.‘ or 863- 1236. Call for Submissions: DYKE REVIEH quarterly lesbian magazine for dykez who want more diversity in their life Before submitting send SASE for guide lines, along with areas of interest ta DYKE REVIEW, 584 Castro St., Suit 456, San Francisco, CA 94114. Celebration Theatre, Los Angeles' only gay and lesbian theatre is hosting its first annual New Play Competitionin 1992. Plays must portray the gay/lesbian experience in a positive light. For guide lines send SASE to: Celebration Theatre, New Play Competition, 4470-107 Sunset Blvd, Suite 353, Los Angeles, CA 90027. Flight of the Mind Summer writing workshops for women. July 26-August! and August 31-September 7. McKenzie River in the Oregon Cascades. Applica- tion deadline May llth. For brochure and details on how to apply send a first class stamp (no envelope) to Flight of the Mind, 622 S.E. 29th Ave, Portland, OR 97214. M: Corrospondents Wanted: OITM wants to hear from you; let us know what’s happening in your area.