April 1992 Drawing the Line Comes to Northampton Drawing the Line is an interactive photog- raphy exhibit that explores issues of cen- sorship and sexuality. One hundred black and white (l1xl4) photographs of lesbian sexuality form a series, ranging from least to most controversial. The viewer is asked to comment on the images and “draw the line” where they set their limits regarding sexual imagery. The comments form part of the piece. Women mark their comments directly on the wall. Men’s comments are in a book mounted near the end of the photo series. The book contains prints of the photo- graphs (3x5) in the order they appear on the wall, with room for longer com- mentary. Men’s and women’s voices are separate in acknowledgement of our his- torically different relationship to sexually explicit images. The resulting dialogue -- among men, among women, between the models -— is multi-leveled. Censorship is an ongoing contentious is- sue in many communities. In a time of in- creasing pressure on artists and galleries, mounting the show is a statement by the gallery itself, and puts the show in a pointed context. Drawing the Line does not prescribe answers, but does raise questions. Is there a line you can draw? Would crossing it put you on the “other side” of the debate? How do you decide? Drawing the Line is a production of Kiss & Tell, a collective of three Vancouver, B.C., artists. The same two women (Per Drawing the Line- lesbian sexual politics on the wall photo Susan Stewart simmon Blackbridge and Lizard Jones) are the models in all the photos. Photog- raphy is by Susan Stewart. Drawing the Line has appeared in cities like Sydney, Toronto, Los Angeles and San Francisco. It will be shown at the A.P.E. Gallery at Thome’s Market in Northampton, MA, from April 24-May 18. It is being brought to Northampton by Wild Kat and WOW Productions, pro- ducers of the Northampton Lesbian Fes- tival. Lea Delaria will emcee Sex and Art, an international celebration of lesbian sex and art, in an afternoon fund-raising per forrnance for Drawing the Line. Susie Bright, former editor of On Our Backs, will perform her State of the Union Ad- dress for Lesbians, and the Kiss & Tell Collective (creators of Drawing the Line) put lesbian sexual politics center stage with True Inversions. Video, slides and live performance combine for a multi-media event that is hot, political, playful and challenging. Sunday, April 26, at 2 p.m. at the Academy of Music in Northampton. Tickets for Sex and Art are $17.00. Available at Food for Thought in Amherst, Prides in North- ampton, and the Northampton Box Of- rice in Northampton; or by phone at l- 800-THE-TICK. V Where to Find OITM Bennington Free Library Bennjngton Project EXCEL, Lyndon State College Lyndonville Brattleboro Food Coop Brattleboro Northshire Bookstore Manchester Center Cahoots Brattleboro Middlebury Natural Food Coop Middlebury Common Ground Brattleboro Bear Pond Books Montpelier Everyone's Books Bratfleboro Horn of the Moon Cafe Montpelier Burlington College Burlington Woman Centered Montpelier Chassman & Bern Burlington Morristown Centennial Library Momsville Fletcher Free Library Burlington Moore Free Library Newfane Partners in Recovery & Growth Burlington Northeast Kingdom AIDS Coalition Newport Peace & Justice Center Burlington Brown Public Library Northfreld Pearls Burlington Social Alternatives for Gay Men Norwich Planned Parenthood ’ Burlington Woman's Study Program Plainfield STEP Learning Center Castleton Putney Library _ P119153’ Craftsbury Public Library Craftsbury Kimball Pubhc Library Randolph Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connection E. Middlebury PFLAG Rutland Innwood Manor East Bamet Rutland Free Library Rutland Greenhope Farm East Hardwick LUNA/NEVGALR c/o Umbrella St. Johnsbury Fair Haven Free Library Fair Haven Natural Provisions St. Johnsbury Buffalo Mountain Coop Hardwick Regional Library St. Johnsbury Galaxy Books Hardwiok St. Johnsbury Athenaeum St. Johnsbury Jon's Automotive Lyndonville Food for Thought Stowe _ _ WRJ Books White River Junction