her work. The experience of being a les- bian in the world is the raw material for her strip. Having brought the audience up to the present, Bechdel then began to focus on Dykes to Watch Out For. One of the things that pleases her most about cartooning is combining words and pictures. This should surprise no one familiar with her highly literate strip. Bechdel’s highly de- veloped political consciousness and quirky sense of humor animate the strip. “I al- temate between worrying that my strips are too trivial and don’t have enough re- deeming political content, and the rest of the time I can’t believe how much leftist dogma I’m always spouting. But the won- derful characteristic of the lesbian com- munity is that the personal is political. Of- ten you can be romantic and socially responsible at the same time.” A case in point is the first time Mo and Harriet made love, a lengthy sequence that ends her second book. “That was kind of scary for me to do. I really wanted to draw them making love, but on some level I had this homophobic kind of resistance to it. Even now when I look at these drawings, I kind of flinch. But I figured it would be good therapy, so I went ahead and did it.” Shehadfiiendsposeforher,callinguponher frgme drawing training to make pencil sketch- es, which she then translated into cartoom. / \ Forconfidenfial AIDS Information (3aH 1-800-882-AIDS L 2 “I think it’s really important to make our sexuality visible. Lesbian sex is such a ta- boo thing in this culture. Either it’s not mentioned or it’s pomographied. So I just like to show it in a matter of fact kind of way, as part of life." For readers who want to know what’s in store for their favorite cartoon characters, Bechdel dropped a few hints, and the news doesn’t look good. Ginger, one of Bech- del’s favorites because she’s “the only real- ly stable character in the whole strip” is in the midst of a long—distance relationship. “I’m looking forward to exploring this long-distance thing that she’s got going with Malika. I just hope she doesn’t get hurt” Mo and Harriet have been having problems lately, and Bechdel thinks they’re heading for a break-up. “There's a lot of pressure on me not to have them break up. I want to show people having healthy re- lationships. But people do break up and I’m kind of fascinated by break-ups. Part of me is really looking forward to writing about it in excruciating detail. I’m sure it will be cathartic.” Bechdel then described the steps involved in actually drawing the strip (she starts with the words and then does the pictures), and con- cluded with a deeply-felt statement of the values that underlie and unify her work and her life (see accompanying story). V DESKTOP PUBLISHING GRAPHIC DESIGN TRA|NING&SUPPORT I fizll service I self seivice I mac-pe file Conversions I image and ten scanning I laser printing I quality photocopies Ifax services I great looking resumes I color slide presentations I mac training workshops I prrg‘essional, fiiendly seivice 187 St. Paul St. Burlington VT 802.863.1884