Dykes To Watch Out For ooulmts ~ ;.. _, BURNS NE UP.’ HAv£:E ' ‘ we cons»: ANYHIIE N THE IAST TMENTY IT'S A PLOT! , HELL, uwtrm >bU sxeza ’? ‘-9 \~1HAT'LL IT BE NEXT? IT WOEKI. TEACHING I»/oM£I~1'ro Hm’: THEIR BODIES Is A 62911’ WAY To DISTRACT US FRDM GOING ON PATRlAP(H‘/- smsntuo RMPA6£S. GIRLS ARE smrumc TD DIET N FOUKIH smut:-. "L By Alison Bechdel AND How'5oUT THOSE PLASTM 5uRe£o)J5? SINCE SIMLL BIKEASTS ARE “Daron/mTIE5," may v£ BEEN KIND ENOUGH ‘TD INFLATE -ma sui- Esrrrn oF HIJAIDRED5 or moosmwi or woman! mm UNTESTED _ April 1992 Creating Trouble on the Campaign Trail ACT/UP and Queer Nation spent the days prior to the New Hampshire Pres- idential primaries doing their best to pro- mote their agenda and gain recognition for their concerns. ACT/UP New Hampshire rented five mini-vans to follow candidates from both parties and confront them with questions. Several protestors attended a Bush rally in Derry, NH, the Saturday before the primary. Prior to being hauled out of the auditorium, protestors yelled out “You’ve turned your back on AIDS and millions will die.” More than 600 protesters marched along a mile long route through downtown Manchester, NH, the Saturday afternoon before the primary, to Bush-Quayle cam- DIDIA Kr/OW THOSE BREAST IMPUWTS DEADEN 5ErI- sATtorJ IN ms NIPPI£ '? uorw ARE swurucmc. mam szxuu ILEIISURE .. _. FOR ASOCIETALLV APPROVED ; -2 _. I :fu.ST READABOUTANEN ;: FEMALE ooNu:M wore! ow wemz. I13 _ MOR£ COIVIPLKATED AND Exrmswe, oF COURSE, BUT Now A u/emu DIESNT HAVE To R:sK THE 6073 WMTH by ASKING MIMTO WEAR oME. AILTI-IoU(:vH IF 1v£ SUPIGME COURT MAM Bomw .. Famous? G00 FORE HA\/€10 ASK H15 TELL ME ABOUT IT. I REMEMBER WHEN I SL£PTIv~Il1’H MEN. BIRTH CONTROL WAS sucu A MESS. Hok/«ONE; um-I SIDLEFFELTS, :, INF{CTIoN — C/IUSING DCVICES. MS I-rs WA)‘, SHE MIGHT ‘ paign headquarters. “We’re here to tell President Bush and all the presidential candidates that AIDS is a very deadly se- rious issue that cannot wait any longer,” said Michael Petrelis, spokesperson for ACT/UP, which organized the march. When the crowd reached Bush head- quarters, it pushed against the storefront window and shattered the glass. No oth- er violence was reported and Petrelis said ACT/UP did not plan or condone the action. Marchers at the front of the march held a black cloth banner reading “Silence=Death.” Other signs read, “Dump Bush” and “Health Care is a Right.” Now I Fm!) our TIIA’I"N.E am comet IS A Huwt2.r:I> Tw—;.< SIMPLER. BE5|DE5 awnow MD I/ASECTOMIES, A suy OW SIMW TAKE REG‘ ut/Ix II BATIIS OR we/IR SNUG unctnwrm! :. \ ',. sue‘; comm " GET MK ALL CI/ER ACT/UP also caught up with several of the Democratic candidates, questioning them on their lack of support for AIDS funding and civil rights legislation. V (eoz) 447-2110 BY APPOINTMENT \ / / \ DR. NANCY L. BURNS , CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN BODY MIND SPIRIT 185 NORTH STREET (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) BENNINGTON, VT 05201 Janet K. Brown, MA_,C.A_C Jean Townsend, M.A. Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES - TRAUMA AND LOSS - DEPRESSION Individuals Couples Families Milton, VT Burlington, VT (802) 893-4816 (802) 863-8162 11