Out in the Mountains Planning for L/G/ B Dykes To Watch Out For Community Center Continues Several more planning meetings were held in January and February to discuss a community center for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and their friends in the greater Burlington area The list of ideas for a “dream” com- munity center has expanded, and now ranges from oflice space to performance space, writer’s groups to film nights, and self-defense workshops to community forums. A survey is being distributed to gather more ideas, to raise awareness and to help define the priorities of a community. Copies of the survey are available through Out in the Mountains, Outright Vermont, the Burlington Women’s Coun- cil, Vermont C.A.R.E.S., Pearls, and the Peace & Justice Coalition. Completed surveys should be returned by May 15 to PO Box 5122, Burlington, VT 05402- 5122. If you wish to get involved, please contact John Olson at 863-2437. V sue move A -/7 Mo, ¥ou‘~/E '64 FoRD LJITMA LUGGAGE I‘ BEEN IN THERE FOR KKK on Tue Tor’... ANDALL THE GIRLS 5(KEAM[D wnw _.__ . SHE DROVE Aaouuladl‘ , THE BLOCK... --‘r 20 Mmuras! COME ON! I HAVETO GETTD ., By Alison Bechdel .' WAITASEL, I'M DONG M)’ MONT:-[ BREAST .SELF- was Rummlc LATE ON A MONDAY Noku/Ne AND you Decwe 11> Exmuur; I KNOW. I'M IN DENIAL. DUTIHATE Dome 111: Exm BECAUSE MY BREASTS ALWAYS Fat LUWY. I C)\N'T‘lELlNMT'S NOFIML _ AND WHAT'S NOT. iT WHEN [WINK OF IT »«'. OR EL5E I FORGET. YOU JHOULD cntcx )buK$l:'tF WHILE You WAIT. fl * , i, 1. i V , rm SERIOUS, HARRIET! )'oU'REi:~l/\ Hl6H- RUK ( GEoUP! BaTH Anon 6/f’t7rnEt} WED oF BREAST CANCER! ITI - mroflrm-r ‘IHA1 You Do Ree X70 HAVETO DDIT EVERY MONTH.5o)bu GETTD KNOW FDN X)“ USUALLY FEEL. OKAY.’ I Know )bu'RE RIGHT. A ONE IN NINE CHANCE , HARRIET.’ ,,_. Tuoss ARE THE 0W5!/wo THE RATE I5 NcR9\5we 3 7. A YEAR.’ ‘ No. THE LEAST I CAN \ n |'p my; mu mg; Do. I MEAN. I AM 601' (Max AND Mom ctr -gt ou momety wouLDN'T KIMDA ATTACHED _ '’ my snmsrs R£.~\ov:r>. -4 TAKE 50 GODPAMN PO Box 220 Hyde Park, Vermont 05655-0220 (302) 338-4100 Office (302) ass-1977 Home VALERIE WHITE Humanist Minister American Humanist Association Namings - Weddings - Union Ceremonies - Memorial Services o explore how she relates to others she relates to others For more information, contact an individual will have an opportunity to: o identify factors which have influenced how 0 experience new ways of relating to others ' Lynn Goyelte (860-6360) or Josie Juhasz (860-1960) , wouuaxzutovemz LONG in mi: ’ , AS MUCH? SHOWER. i ;<>‘;;; / g 2/ V / Now Forming LESBIAN THERAPY GROUP Within this group setting,