Out in the Mountains Boston Gay Men’s Chorus to Appear in St. Johnsbury Rick Wold ACAP (AIDS Community Awareness Project) of St. Johnsbury is proud to an- nounce that the Boston Gay Men’s Chor- us will be in St. Johnsbury for an ACAP fundraiser on Friday April 24th, 1992. The concert will be held at the North Congregational Church on Main St. (across from the Fairbanks Museum) at 8 p.m. ACAP serves Caledonia and southern Essex counties of Vermont with educa- tional information about AIDS and sup- port groups for people who are HIV+ and living with AIDS. ACAP has been serving the area for many years and just recently incorporated as a non-profit cor- poration to better serve the community. The concert, which has been in the plan- ning stages since last November, is get- ting very positive community support. The event, which is being held at the North Congregational Church has re- ceived support from the South Congrega- tional and the Grace United Methodist Churches in St. Johnsbury, the Danville United Methodist Circuit, the United Methodist Churches of Plainfield and Adamant, and The Glover/Barton Friends Preparatory Meeting. ACAP has also received support for this fundraiser from area businesses in the fonn of mon- ey and donated services. The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus, under the leadership of Music Director Robert Barney is marking its tenth anniversary during the 1991-1992 season. The Bos- ton Gay Men’s Chorus has blossomed into an innovative 100-voice, community based chorus committed to musical ex- cellence. The Boston Globe said of one concert, “The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus took the highest musical road... Con- ductor Robert Barney and the Chorus did themselves proud.” In St. Johnsbury, sev- enty-nine voices are expected to be sing- ing. For the hearing impaired there will be an interpreter signing along with the performance. The BGMC came to being after the na- tional tour of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus in 1981. The age range of the membership is 20 to 50, and the sing- ers drive in to rehearse from as far away as Portland, Maine, and Nashua, N.H. - they represent the full spectrum of pro- fessions. The Chorus sings a diverse rep- ertoire of music encompassing virtually all periods and styles. BGMC has sung throughout the country, but will be mak- ing its Vermont debut in St. Johnsbury on the 24th. As a Boston gay newspaper, Bay Windows says “Good music and a good time know no orientation." The Boston Globe states “The formation of gay choruses across America has been mm u...u....nm..u. “Ask me how to save on car insurance.” Ifyou bring your home and car insurance to Allstate, you could receive attractive savings on your Allstate car insurance policy.]ust give me a call about the Allstate Multi-Line Discount. It could really give you alift Call Ellen Hetherington - 863-3808 You’reingoodha.uds.