l l UVM to Host Gay, Lesbian Bisexual Conference Tom Aloisi The University of Venriont Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alliance (GLBA) will be hosting the first New England area student con- ference on lesbian/gay issues since the late 1970's. Gay, lesbian and bisexual students from all over New England, as well as New York and Quebec, are planning to attend “Burlington ‘92” from April 10-12. Conference participants will be arriving Friday afternoon for registration. That night there will be a dance at Cooks Com- mons in Billings Student Center. Saturday will be filled with a variety of workshops at the Living-Learning Center dealing with such important issues as G/L/B parenting, career op- portunities, spirituality, safer sex, women’s issues, and more. Saturday evening there will be an exciting performance by the Kwanzaa drummers, as well as an open microphone for musi- cians, speakers, dancers, and poets. These events will take place at North Lounge in Billings. Following a farewell brunch on Sunday, participants will have the afternoon to explore Burling- ton’s downtown. The GLBA would like to encourage all interested community members to attend any or all of the conference meetings. All workshops, as well as the Kwanzaa drummers and open mike are free. There will even be a workshop for our straight support- ers. A donation of $3 is requested for the dance to help cover the cost of the DJ. If you are interested in having a booth at the conference, either informational or for the sale of G/L/B related merchandise, please contact the GLBA office. The conference organizers are looking for help with housing conference participants on Friday and Saturday nights. They are also looking for community members to participate in the open mike. The GLBA greatly needs the support of the greater G/L/B community of Vermont to make this conference a success. You can reach GLBA at (802) 656-0699. Please call if you can help out in any way, or of you would like a complete conference schedule. Thanks in ad- vance for your support! V Abuse Prevention Act Hearing Carla The Formerly Battered Lesbian Network (FLBN) presented anon- y{n_ous testimony and statistics on lesbian battering to the House Ju- diciary Committee in Febniary. The Committee heard testimony on H {#62, a bill to amend the Abuse Prevention Act. FBLN co- ordinator Carla explained the categories of people excluded by the Current law, including lesbians and gay men, and the danger that exclusion presents to victims of battering. Of 30 women who con- tacted FBLN and the Iris Lesbian Resource Group, 10 were bat- lened or formerly battered lesbians, and 6 of the 10 had been bat- lewd by one or more women in Vermont within the past 3 years. you to all the women who shared their stories, and to all Who are supporting FBLN’s work on behalf of battered and for- merly battered lesbians. V April 1992 DO YOU WANNA DANCE? V LESSONS V When: Saturday, A ril 11 8: 25 6:30 pm - 8: 0 pm Where: Contois Auditorium, Burlington Dance Lessons: Foxtrot, Manhattan, Cha Cha, Contra Dancing, jitterbug, &; more! Ticket Prices: $ 8 for 1 lesson $14 for both lessons Bust a Move for the « May 16th OUTRIGHT VERMONT PROM Tickets for the Dance Lessons can be purchased at the Peace and Justice Center in Burlington GAY & LESBIAN COUPLES GROIP Ten sessions for Building and Enhancing Healthy, Satisfactory Relationships Beginning Soon at PARTNERS IN GROWTH & RECOVERY, INC 182 Main Street, Burlington Therapists: ERICA MARKS, M.A. GIITA CLARK, M. A. 865-2403 ‘ Please Call For More Information