Letters to the Editor Dear Out in the Mountains, Iam a gay man some 48 years old and only partially out of the closet-even at my age. I have found OITM an excellent way of staying in touch with other gay men and lesbians in the privacy of my own home. I don’t even have to go to Pearl’s! I have come up with yet another means of staying in touch with people using mod- em media technology. The idea is to use the public access channel on cable TV to broadcast a weekly show about lesbian and gay men’s concems. There is already a show in the Burlington area called The Women’s Liberation Network. Why not a Gay Network News (or something of that nature)? It could be done at low cost, using the studio and equipment which Adelphia Cable has in Burlington. I believe they charge little, if anything, for the use of their studio, and there is no charge for scheduling it on Channel 15. BosToN GAY MEN’S CHORUS Adelphia Cable covers a lot of Chit- tenden County, and there are cable com- panies in Montpelier, Rutland, Brat- tleboro, and Bennington. I believe they all have a public access channel. The shows could be taped in the Burlington studio and rebroadcast throughout the state, thus reaching a big share of Ver- mont’s gay community. The only further recommendation I would make is to talk about the human and personal side of being gay in this ho- mophobic society. Somehow I am more interested in the human side of it than the political side of it. So again my thanks for faithfully send- ing me OITM and I hope some reader will see this letter and say to him/herself, “Hey! I could do that!” Robert: Loomie Burlington, VT V E-1181 9°“ 13"? V Coming to St. Johnsbury Friday Night, April 24th. North Congregational Church, 8 p.m. General Admission $9, students and Seniors $6, Premium seats $15 Fundraiser for A.C.A.P. (AIDS Community Awareness Project) April 1992 Submitting a Letter OITM welcomes letters to the Ed- itor and will withhold your name or use your initials or first name only on request. However, we must have your full name and address for our files if we are to print your letter. Letters may be edited for length or clarity. V 3.. ‘>171 199?’