lialendar March 1 Amelia’s Potluck & Meeting Lebanon- Hanover area. Call (802) 649-5297 for more info and location. 8 International Women’s Day Brunch/Planning Session with Women of the Woods. Plainfield 10:30 a.m. Bring a dish to share and your ideas for the months of April-June. Contact W.O.W. for more info. (802) 229-0109. 10 Sara Diamond speaking on gay and lesbian rights Sponsored by UVM’s GLBA and the Co-operative Christian Ministry. Contact GLBA (802) 656- 0699 for more info. 12 Rutland Area Gay and Lesbian Con- nection Dinner at China Wok (Rutland Downtown shopping plaza) 6:30 p.m. 13 MAW’s Fifth Anniversary Celebra- tion Keene, NH. 7:30 p.m.Call (603)357-5757 for more info. 14 Spring Open House OUTRIGHT VT and Out in The Mountains invite you to join them at their new office space, lo- cated at the comer of So. Winooski and College Avenues. If you’d like to get in- volved with either organization, or would like to meet the people behind these organizations and learn more about what we do, please join us. Do You Wanna Dance? Dance lessons to benefit OUTRIGHT VT. 6:30-8 p.m. at Burlington City Hall, Contois Au- d1[0l‘1l1m. $8 for one lesson, $5 each for allf four. Call (802) 865-9677 for more in o. W0myn’s Supper Club Backside Cafe 1{1 Brattleboro, 6 and 8 p.m. Reserva- tions required. Call (802) 257-4759. 15 Lesbian and Gay Parents monthly pot- luck brunch. 10:30 a.m. Call 893-6146 for location and info. 19 Dinner at Autumn Crest Inn with Women of the Woods. Williamstown, VT 6230 p.m. Call (802) 229-0109 for more info. Lesberry Jam with Women of the Woods. Worcester 10 a.m. An op- portunity for all you musicians and sing- ers to get together to jam and sing. Bring lunch and an instrument. Contact W.O.W. for more info. (802) 229-0109. 21 OITM Envelope Stuffing and General Meeting. 10 a.m., 109 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Newcomers are wel- come. Call Deb at 660-2713 for info. Lesbian Talent Show sponsored by Amelia’s. Holiday Inn, White River Junction. Participants needed! Call Mandy at (603) 632-7146 for info. Purim Celebration Saturday March 21 at Moonstomi Farm (Worcester, VT). “Drag” out your secret desires to portray Haman, Mordechai, King Ahashverosh or even Queen Esther or Queen Vashti. Gathering to start around 4 p.m. — bring your favorite noshesl Costumes sug- gested but not required. Call Cheri or Holly at 229-0109 for directions and de- tails. Rutland Area Gay and Lesbian Con- nection Monthly potluck with a Green Theme. 7 p.m. Grace Congregational Church, Court St., Rutland (use the West St. Entrance). Formerly Battered Lesbian Network Monthly meeting at 1 p.m. in Montpe- lier. Write to: Carla P.O. Box 322, Mont- pelier, VT 05601 for location and more info. Include phone number with best times to reach you and safety considera- tions you need observed. 25-29 Execution of Justice Play about the as- sassination of Harvey Milk. St. Michael’s College. 8 p.m. March 25-28, 2 p.m. March 29. Tickets are free, but reserva- tions are required. Call 654-2535 for info. March 1992 26 Rutland Area Gay and Lesbian Con- nection Potluck & steering Committee meeting at Katherine’s house. American Theme. 5:30 p.m. (Please write to RAGLC, PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736) for directions. 27-28 Spirituality and Sexuality Retreat Sponsored by UVM’s GLBA. Carter Heywood leads at UNH. (Registration fee). Contact GLBA (802) 656-0699 for more info. 28 Do You Wanna Dance? Dance lessons to benefit OUTRIGHT VT. 6:30-8 p.m. at Burlington City Hall, Contois Auditor- ium. $8 for one lesson, $5 each for all four. Call (802) 865-9677 for more info. Video & Potluck with Women of the Woods. Huntington 5 p.m. Bring some- thing to eat and a beverage. Contact W.O.W. for more info. (802) 229-0109. 30 “Is the Bill of Rights Still Working?” Attorney Eileen Blackwood will address the topic of individual and minority rights. Free presentation at Champlain College, Burlington. 7 p.m. in the Mor- gan Room of Aiken Hall (comer of Sum- mit & Maple streets). For more info. con- tact Linda Thoma at (802) 658-0800 ext. 2578. Peter Kurth, Writers Speak Series at Goddard College, Plainfield, VT. 7:30 in the Oak Room. KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our calendar so that We can share them with all our readers. Send your group's listings or other in- formation to: OITM, PO Box 177, Burling- ton VT 0S402. Materials must be received by the 1st of the month prior to publica- tion in order to be asured of appearing in print.