National/International News state Judge Overturns Dallas Ban on Lesbian and Gay Police pangs, TX - Ruling in the case of a les- bian who has been trying for five years to get on the Dallas police force, Judge Lar- ry Fuller said the _state anti-sodomy law on which the police department pohcy barring the hiring of lesbians and gays Vl- olated the right to privacy guarenteed by the Texas Constitution. Dallas is the only city in Texas, and the only large city in the U.S. to specifically bar lesbians and gays from serving as officers. The week before Judge Fu1ler’s decision, the Dallas City Council voted to uphold the ban, de- spite a statement by the police chief of less than a year, Bill Rathbum, saying he was unconcerned about the sexual or- ientation of his officers. The City Council has not yet decided whether to appeal the decision. (The New York Times) Judge Rejects Gay Marriage Washington, D.C. - Judge Shellie Bowers rejected a lawsuit filed by a gay couple who claimed that refusal to give them a marriage license was discriminatory. While the D.C. marriage law is gender- neutral in wording, Judge Bowers cited Genesis, saying that since the couple are not a man and a woman, what they want- ed could not be called a marriage. (Equal Times) World Health Organization Reclassifies Homosexuality New York, NY. - In late December the World Health Organization (WHO) con- firmed that, beginning in 1993, homo- sexuality will no longer be classified as a mental disorder. The WHO had listed ho- mosexuality as a mental disorder since 1948, listing it under “abnormal sexual inclinations or behavior... (not serving) approved social and biological purposes.” The change is expected to affect lesbians and gays around the world. Many coun- tries base their disease classification on the WHO’s manual. The WHO follows the American Psychiatric Association's reclassification in 1973 and 1982. (Wash- ington Blade) March 1992 Boy Scout Troop Threatened With Expulsion San Jose, CA - Boy Scout Troop 260 of San Jose has been told it will loose its charter as an official troop unless re- scinds a resolution made last December not to discriminate against homosexuals. Scoutrnaster, Michael Cahn said the troop would not back down. “If you see something that’s wrong and you ignore it, then you’re part of the problem... We feel that the national scouting organiza- tion is wrong for their anti-gay stand.” (The New York Times) V Professional T8X Preparation personal and business evening and weekend appointments Karen Venner, CPA 864-8180 5% of fee donated to Vt CARES afiy: Yn:1.~'.’-‘I ."- ‘i .h E "4 ." is 2': F F .>'- E ?i r? 1.- . rt; Member National Lesbian and Gay Law Association ;_ ROBERT W. ZEUNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Bauer, Gravel and Watson 362 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401 863-5538 Walter l. Zeichner, M.A., N.C.C. Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor ~ Psychotherapy ~ Bodywork ~ Gay Positive Counseling ~ for Individuals and Couples ~ Gay Mens Therapy Group ~ Insurance Accepted ~ ‘ 323 Pearl St.. Burlington, VT 0540] (802) 863-5510 .