Out in the Mountains National Teleconference Held at UVM and Castleton Pat Noll . “Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Students” was the title of a national teleconference presented February 6th, by the National Association of Student Personnel Ad- ministrators and National University Tel- econference Network and hosted by UVM and Castleton State College. The program focused on assisting campuses to deal with homophobia and harassment and to provide a supportive environment for gay, lesbian and bisexual students. Students, faculty and staff from area col- leges and universities attended, providing an opportunity to network and compare experiences and programs. The teleconference panel, responding to prepared and live phone—in questions, in- cluded Rosalind Andreas, V.P. for Stu- dent Affairs at UVM, Kevin Berrill, Di- rector of the Campus and Anti-Violence Projects of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, L. Lee Knefelkarnp, Pro- fessor at Teachers College/Columbia University, Kathy Obear, President of the Human Advantage and Jamie Washing- ton, a doctoral intern and former Assist- ant Director of Residential Life at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County. Speaking from personal as well as pro- fessional experience, panelists responded to a broad spectrum of questions high- lighting the particular needs of college students and their campuses——Does cur- riculum include gay/lesbian/bisexual studies or integrate those life experiences in other subject areas, and if not how can they make that happen?, the importance of relationships and the difficulty for gay, lesbian and bisexual students in finding, socializing with and developing open loving relationships with one an- other, questions of free speech and dis- tinguishing between the legally per- missible and the morally offensive, acknowledging, as individuals and as in- stitutions, gays, lesbians and bisexuals as one aspect of diversity in the college community. A strong position was taken that the gay, lesbian and bisexual population needs “allies”, people who identify as hetero- sexual and are willing to actively support gay, lesbian and bisexual concerns. Too frequently, the task of educating others falls to the oppressed group rather than leadership and initiative coming from ad- ministrations and other people in posi- tions of power and privilege. Comparisons were made between ra- cism, sexism and heterosexism. The pan- elists acknowledged that gay, lesbian and bisexual issues remain a primary place where lack of knowledge and myths fuel harassment and homophobia. The need for campus-wide education was under- scored as was the imperative to create a “'53- rhtmnkmmi. “Ask me how to save on car insurance?’ lfyou bring your home and car insurance to Allstate, you could receive attractive savings on your Allstate car insurance policy.Just give me a call about the Allstate Multi—l.ine Discount It could really give you a lift /IIISIEIIE You‘re in good hands. Call Ellen Hetherington - 863-3808 14