Dykes To Watch Out For @UK COMBU51’lFLE foHA3IrAeITs CONVENED PHENCMENCN, THE HOUSE - MEETING ! By Alison Bechdel DRIFTS OF Doc HAIR. SLIMF. IN THE eAn4RooM sum, FOURM0NTH§ OF NENSFAPERS STACKED IN THE KIT CHEN. AND THE REFRIGERATOR.’ l‘M Arrwv TD 60 NEARIT WI1710/T LooI(, NE (AN THINK oF IT A? A RITUAL oF RENEWAL! Hm ALL I JPLND A DAY TOGETHER, THROwIrJ(= on THE 010, aEANsIN6 Ann PURIFYNG ‘ID MAKE WAY FOR THE N£L~/.' KI . |T'I.LB£50CvR0WTllFUL’ ./Cy, , PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Anon 2' LI.sTEN. THE WAY I SEE IT, THE REAL IssuE HERE Is ow: cuss DIFFERENCES. LOIS, )ou COME ram AN Arnumr SUbURMN FAMIL7. mu C-Kzw UP TAKING A NICE HOUSE 1 .SPAKRo»J, 5PARIzou/, 5PARRD\~/. I WE 'kE 0Bv|OU)L)’ NOT TALKNG ABOUT HOUSEELEANING HERE, HERE TALKING moarrlzs. A crow smx my _ BE Inmrmr To You. am: HAVE NIKE -‘ awn. .So ‘/ook Fwd‘; LIVINGMXM Houw toa< Moe: LIIDUR PARENTS‘ uoty useu Fumawke. ‘ You NEVEK SPENT THE F/K$TMoNEy You BUT IT DCESNT Ex- woamo LIKE A Dorrm ' PIJT My5gI.F THROUGH A PH.D. PRIMAM! I RJWT , HAVE TIMETD wokky ,_ _ Aaourme SHIN( on .1 wk LNoLEI/M! Mm: I sAouLI>J’usTN&vai $H0UlD |>I5CUSS'|'HI>’ Tug MA|L'lHl$"Ma{NNG ADDRL§$ED‘m _ 6IHcEk AN5EI.LIPs".ToRDAN. . ._. _ H; —* KEVEAL THE WEERE/BOUT5 OFA PAKWCIJIAR BLACK l.EA’l'l-l£RCY4CKET/N>AQKl'AIN OVER’ STUFFED MAWE ENVELOPE THATARRIVED N / \ DR. NANCYL. BURNS ‘ THIS PLALE IS A TOTAL (802) 447-2110 Janet K. Brown, M A, C. A C Jean Townsend, M.A. BY APPOINTMENT Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES March 1992 Hate Mail Sent to Legislators A Williston group called the committee on Public Health Concerns has distrib- uted a letter and six-page pamphlet to Vermont legislators in an effort to halt the lesbian and gay civil rights bill. Among the comments in the flier and let- ter: “The homosexual lifestyle is a proven health threat.” “Homosexuality is a voulntary sexual practice. It can be re- sisted just as sexual intercourse can be re- sisted by heterosexuals.” “Alcoholics and child abusers may be biologically pre- disposed to thier behavior, but we still hold them responsible. ” Representative Vi Luginbill, R-South Burlington de- scribed the pamphlet titled, “Education for Vermonters on the Homosexual Agenda” as “filled with misinformation and innuedos” Representative Megan Price, R-Fair Haven, sent a letter to Health Commisioner Jan camey asking to “give a more accurate and less clouded and homophobic view on this issue.” Price is sponsoring an insurance bill re- quiring companies to cover life partners (gay or straight) just as married partners are covered. (From a report in the Bur- lington Free Press) V - TRAUMA AND LOSS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN _ DEPRESSION BODY SHE” Individuals Couples Families 0. 185 NORTH STREET Milton, VT Burlington, VT (HARsCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) (802) 8934816 (802) 863-8162 BENNINGTON, VT 05201 11 L