Letters to the Editor Dear OITM, As parents of a family with eight chil- dren, we find articles in OITM to be in- formative and often very moving. Wheth- er it be the Hamilton custody case or the NAMBLA dispute, your publication has served as a springboard for family dis- cussions that help us to learn about our- selves, our homophobic culture, and what it means to love and be loving. For example, last summer we read aloud one woman’s letter about how she and her partner spent Gay Pride Day private- ly celebrating their new-found, sweet love. As one of our adolescent sons put it, “Now I finally understand!” You bring both the struggle and the beauty of gayness into our lives out in these mountains, and we thank you for that gift. Jacqueline A Labate & Butch Martolatta Fonzio Galusha Hill, East Topsham V March 1992 Submitting a Letter OITM welcomes letters to the Ed- itor and will withhold your name or use your initials or first name only on request. However, we must have your full name and address for our files if we are to print your letter. Letters may be edited for length or clarity. V Victory Continued from page 1 couple and that it will encourage other lesbian and gay couples to adopt. Ac- cording to various studies discussed by the court, three to four million lesbian and gay Americans have had children. In an editorial the following day in the New York Times, the couple’s lawyer, James Marks of the American Civil Lib- erties Union, described the case as a, “tri- umph. recogniz(ing) a functioning family in law as well as in practice.” V Boston Gay Men’s Chorus Coming to St. Johnsbury Friday Night, April 24th. North Congregational Church, 8 p.m. General admission $9, Students and seniors $6, Premium seats $15 Fundraiser for A.C.A.P. (AIDS Community Awareness Project) $5.00 (U.S.$) GOLDEN THREADS a contact‘ publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love older women. Canada and US. Confidential, warm, reli- able. For free information send self-ad- dressed envelope; (U.S. residents please stamp it). Sample copy mailed discreetly. P.O. Box 31 77, Burlington, VT 05401 Coming Out? Questions? Call the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Youth Info-Line 1-800—GLB-CHAT OI’ for information Need help with family, friends, work, sexuality? - 10 Week Group For Women. Some insurance accepted. - Call Nancy Des.Rault, M.S.W., L.S.W. at 860-8424 Carol Cohen, M.S.W. at 864-5595 66 Main St. (Upstairs) Middlebury, VT 05753 Pat/6/2:/a /l/a// Psychotherapist Loss & Grief Transitions L Relationships Lesbian Support Group