Ealendar February 1 Boogie to Motown, rhythm and blues vith Second Wind, a central Vermont band ’yra1isk, Montpelier, 8:30 p.m.. Tickets are :5 in advance, $6 at the door. Benefit for he Central Vermont Social Action Net- vork Call Glen at (802) 229-0800 for more nfo. iledding & Pizza Party with Women of he Woods. Tunbridge 1 pm Bring warm tlothes, something to slide on, pizza top- tings, and beverage. Contact W.O.W. for nore info. (802) 229-0109. 2 ;esbian Educators Planning meeting for :pring conference on homophobia in the :chools. Unitarian Church, Montpelier. 3-5 >.m. Call Margaret at 879-6559 for more nfo. 8 Cross Country Ski Party with Women of he Woods. Worcester 10 a.m. Bring warm zlothes, skis, sleds. Contact W.O.W. for nore info. (802) 229-0109. First Anniversary Celebration Womyn’s Supper Club, Backside Cafe in Brat- ;1eboro. 6 & 8 p.m.. Reservations a must. Call (802)257-4759 for more info. 9 Cross Country Ski Party with Amelia’s. Skyline Trail in Pornfret. Dinner to follow it the Skunk Hollow Inn in Hartland. Call (603) 632-5690 for more info. 14 Valentine’s Newcomers Party with Wom- an of the Woods. Williarnstown 7 p.m.. Bring snacks and beverages. Contact W.O.W. for more info. (802) 229-0109. KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our calendar so that We can share them with all our readers. Send your group's listings or other in- formation to: OITM, PO Box 177, Burling- ton VT 05402. Materials must be received by the 1st of the month prior to publica- tion tin order to be assured of appearing in prrn . Monthly MAW Meeting 7:30 p.m. at Sue & Marty’s. Call (603) 357-5757 or write MAW, PO Box 6345, Keene, NH 03431 for more info. 14-15 ACT-UP New Hampshire Valentine’s Day weekend. AIDS and queer activism in Manchester. Queer Valentine’s Day in Manchester on Friday, February 14th, March for an End to AIDS and Health Care for All in Manchester on Saturday February 15. Contact ACT UP/NH at (603)647-4224, 816 Elm St., #101, Manchester, NH 03101- 2101 for more info. 14-17 Making Light: The Lighter Side of our Faith Journeys. Quaker rnidwinter gath- ering of Friends for Lesbian and Gay Con- cerns (FLGC). Workshops, worship, en- tertainment, fellowship. Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA. For registration and information call Sharon Frame (617) 269-3 83 1. 16 Lesbian and Gay Parents monthly potluck bnmch. 10:30 a.rrL Call 893-6146 for loca- tion and info. 22 Cross Country Skiing with Women of the Woods. South Washington 10:30 a.m. Trails for all abilities; clinic for beginners; warming shelter. Bring warm clothes, skis, lunch. Contact W.O.W. for more info. (802) 229-0109. OITM Envelope Stuffing and General Meeting. 10 a.m., 109 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Stuffing in the morning, fol- lowed by lunch, followed by the meeting. Newcomers are welcome. Call Deb at 660- 2713 for info. Semi-Formal Prom; Montpelier City Hall, Montpelier. Sponsored byVermont Lesbian and Gay Pride. 8 p.m. to midnight. Admis- sion $10 in advance or $12 at the door. Con- tact Vermont Pride, PO Box 1424, Montpe- lier, VT 05602, or call (802) 479-1250 or 229-5291 for info. 23 4 Kate Clinton at the Academy of Music in Northampton, MA. Call (413) 586-8686 for more info. February 1992 29 Mardi Gras ‘92 S.A.M. invites you to be Outrageous and dress Outrageously. Hotel Coolidge. Main Street, White River Junc- tion, VT. 7:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. $6 per person in advance, $10 at the door. Contact S.A.M., PO Box 479, Norwich, VT, 05055 for res- ervations and more details. March 1 Men's Mardi Gras Masquerade at Pearl's March 1, 1992, 6-10 pm. Sponsored by the Mansfield Bucks. Proceeds to benefit VT Gay Coaltion. Prezes for best leather & lace, feather and grace. Mardi Gras King and “Queen” will crowned! 8 Brunch/Planning Session with Women of the Woods. Plainfreld 10:30 a.m.. Bring a dish to share and your ideas for the months of April-June.. Contact W.O.W. for more info. (802)229-0109. 15 Lesbian and Gay Parents monthly potluck brunch. 10:30 a.rrL Call 893-6146 for loca- tion and info. 19 Lesberry Jam with Women of the Woods. Worcester 10 a.m.. An opportunity for all you musicians and singers to get together to jam and sing. Bring lunch and an in- strument. Contact W.O.W. for more info. (802) 229-0109. 21 Lesbian Talent Show sponsored by Ame- lia’s. Holiday Inn, White River Junction. Participants needed! Call Mandy (603) 632- 7146 for info. Purim Celebration Saturday March 21 at Moonstorrn Farm (Worcester, VT) “Drag” out your secret desires to portray Harnan, Mordechai, King Ahashverosh or even Queen Esther or Queen Vashti. Gathering to start around 4 p.m. — bring your favorite noshes! Costumes suggested but not re- quired. Call Cheri or Holly at 229-0109 for directions and details. 28 Video & potluck with Women of the Woods. Huntington 5 p.m.. Bring something to eat and a beverage. Contact W.O.W. for more info. (802) 229-0109. V