I Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel I'M semous. Mo! IT '5 am! A625 SINCE we I I CAILED N 5IcK OUTJIVE l£T3 . 5TAy III BED ALL _ ' |'D BET30 6uII.l')’ MD ANXIOU5 TI WHAT'S THE POINTOF BEING ALIVE IF WE NEVEK STOP '70 wA1‘ID CELEBR/HT. LIFEWAN By SPENDING ‘nus agwrm./L DAY ::—:_I D€FEAT ‘DIE mood Puxrosr I ‘/oU'RE THE ONE wmwuo AIsodT : same N A run". TRY BEINC SPONT Exrzcrwe /we ' ATTHESTORE. — IS DEATH.’ LET‘; Lu/I Fox 1145 mnmr AND Conmwg WITH out WIIJ7 INNEK NArukI;s! EEIN G EVALUATE DL mum __ Bzufirémsoaromr.’ - _ l'I‘\ LATE! _ February 1992 Purim Celebration Cheri Goldstein Purim is probably the most festive of all the Jewish holidays in the year. It cel- ebrates the triumph of the Jews over Ha- men’s evil plot to annihilate them. Mor- dechai and Queen Esther join forces, using disguised identities to foil Hamen through his pride. Since deception and disguise are so much a part of this story, it has become traditional for the Purim celebration to be done in costume. As the traditions have evolved many men have dressed as Queen Esther and women as King Ha- men or Mordechai. Now doesn’t this sound like a party atmosphere perfect for our community? So once again the gay and lesbian Jew- ish community and friends will be gath- ering in celebration of ourselves, our history, and Purim. We will be cel- ebrating on Saturday, March 21, 1992, at Moonstorm Farm in Worcester, VT. Costumes are not required but are sug- gested. Call Cheri or Holly at 229-0109 for details and directions. V Lesbian Educators The Lesbian Educators group is growing. Begun last spring in the home of the or- ganizer, the most recent meeting this fall was attended by 16 people from around the state. Lynn Goyette, representing Out- right Vermont, spoke about a recent meeting with the State Department of Ed- ucation to plan a spring conference on the topic of homophobia in the schools. Those in attendance made suggestions about future plans for this conference,. The next meeting will be held on Feb- ruary 2 at the Unitarian Church in Mont- pelier from 3-5 p.m. Our discussion will focus on sexual harassment in the work place (specifically schools). For more in- formation call Margaret at (802) 879- 6559. Check the calendar section of 017' M for future meetings. V _j.—_—. BENNINGTON, VT 05201 (302) 447-2110 Janet K. Brown, MA, C.A_C Jean Townsend, M.A. BY APPOINTMENT Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental \ / Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES / \ DR. NANCY L. BURNS - TRAUMA AND LOSS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN . DEPRESSION _ I BODY MIND SpIRIT Individuals Couples Families ~ L 185 NORTH STREET 3/III'5l£‘)";I’9‘3’:1:I8I6 2 Church Street (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) Buflmgtom VT (802) 863-8162 11