Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Chris Dill’s partial apology for the anti- homosexual attitudes of the people at Strictly Vermont and for their prop- aganda against us is wrongheaded, and its appearance in OITM unanswered would be distressing. If the people at Strictly Vermont want to push their stu- pid line about us, about me (for what does that abstract word “homosexual” or any of its comrades like “gay,” “queer,” “lesbian,” “dyke,” or “faggot” really mean but you and me and the way we think, stand, and act!), let them, but I ain’t buying their stuff, materially, in- tellectually, emotionally, not even a little. Do we really need to repeat to ourselves the experiences we and the generations before us had to endure because we want to embrace whoever we want and be sex- ual however we want (and I’m not talk- ing about anything criminal now, i.e., be- havior that violates the person or personhood of another?) Who the hell are those folk at Island Pond and their outlets to yap about how anybody makes love and to decry other people’s pleas- ures when (God knows!) there are few enough of them circulating these days, and to call us reprehensible names or tell us what the end, purpose or form of fuck- ing is? To read that “hatred not hate literature led to Auschwitz” is to observe an arrogant ignorance and exploitative propaganda at work that can bring tears....The function of such literature is to make its victims, (Jews or homosexuals) humanly un- acceptable. I am not prepared either to be humanly unacceptable or to accept this in- sulting attitude of the Island Ponders as understandable, unless by “under- standable” is meant trying to understand it as a pathological condition that must be understood, as a virus or a psychosis must be, in order to see how to eradicate it. The question is not how come we’re ho- mosexual, nor is being homosexual wrong or “loathsome” or “suicidal.” The question is how come there are people who are rigid, narrow and have a nasty agenda for us, who express their hatred of us or their panic at us and our ways of being in dogmatic biblical mumbo- jumbo? They are in the wrong. Getting caught up in their off-the-wall word webs and hippie facades and explaining that “they honestly do see their actions as be- ing motivated by love” (thank you, I don’t need such loathsome love) is what is suicidal. The problem is not that God (whatever that means) deplores homo- sexuality or that homosexuality is im- moral or sinful but that there are people who imagine such a God, have reared such a morality, have constructed the concept of “sin” and try to fill our heads and break our spirits and kill our joys with such dangerous nonsense. Neil Heime Burlington Dear OIT M, Thanks for the great articles on the Hmailton custody case. We have fol- lowed it very closely because we have a son Co1lin’s age. The similarities were great until the accident — an experience we hope never happens and wish had not happened to them. The Susans have made a great contribution to many lives but most of all to Collin’s. Again thanks for giving them the space to speak to and help us all. C.H. Brattleboro Dear Out in the Mountains, I am writing on behalf of the Vermont Women’s Health Center to thank you for consistently listing us in the Health Re- sources section of OITM. The Vermont Women’s Health Center is committed to providing quality obstetrical and gy- necological services to all women. We strive to keep our services cost- accessible, accepting Medicaid and Med- icare for all of our services, maintaining a sliding fee scale, and subsidizing ap- proximately $50,000 per year in services. Your support is greatly appreciated as we reflect on the past year and greet the New Year. Sincerely, 5ue Chandler Vermont Women’s Health Center, Burlington February 1992 Dear Editor, I am absolutely enjoying Out in the Mountains. I feel the articles are inter- esting, moving and real. I especially feel that Larry Wolf does an unbelievable job!! (By the way, he’s my brother!!) Keep it going OITM! Kathy Geller Dear Out in the Mountains Editor & Staff, My December issue of OITM was wait- ing for me when I arrived home for the long Thanksgiving weekend. I have a huge stack of yet-to-be read journals and newsletters in my living room, but your paper never reaches that pile. As usual, the minute I look at OITM, I have to read it from cover-to-cover. I am already look- ing forward to the January issue. The December paper was full of great ar- ticles! I especially appreciated the factual and personal coverage of the Hamilton custody case and Howard Russell’s Re- flections on a Campaign. I love reading Dykes to Watch Out F or and checking the calendar for upcoming events. I am always infonned, inspired and en- tertained by your fine balance of articles and reviews. You are also doing an ex- cellent job of representing both lesbian and gay concerns. Thank you all for your incredible com- mitment to publishing a high quality newspaper! I am encouraging friends to support OITM by subscribing and writing articles to keep the paper hopping! With Appreciation and Respect, Lucy Gluck Burlington V Submitting a Letter OITM welcomes letters to the Ed- itor and will withhold your name or use your initials or first name only on request. However, we must have your full name and address for our files if we are to print your letter. Letters maycbe edited for length or clarity. V