“ Out 11 the Mountains ‘VERMONT'S NEWSPAPEH FOR LESBIANS, GAY MEN, AND BISEXUALS Volume VII, Number 1 / :3. February 1992 Gains 100th Co-Sponsor in U.S House of Representatives J A major breakthrough in the struggle for civil rights for lesbians, gay men and bi- sexuals came in November of last year as the number of co—sponsors for the federal gay civil rights bill in the U.S. House of Representatives topped 100. The House total reached 100 with the ad- dition of Democrats Harry Johnston of Florida, Bill Richardson of New Mexico, Albert Bustamente of Texas, and Ed Pas- tor of Arizona. Co-sponsors in the Senate now number 14, as New Jersey gay rights lobbyists recently won over one of their Senators, Frank Lautenberg (D). “Obtaining 114 Congressional sponsors of our civil rights bill is a major mile- stone,” said Peri Jude Radecie, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force’s (NGLTF) Legislative Director. “It happened be- cause our community is persistent and dedicated. This achievement belongs to every activist who sent a postcard, wrote a letter, called or visited an office this %§'i21ll'”On the gay and lesbian civil rights 1 . The federal effort to enact equal pro- tections for lesbian and gay people has been underway since 1975 when then- Representative Bella Abzug (D-NY) in- troduced the first federal lesbian and gay civil rights bill. The legislation has been reintroduced into every Congress since that time. The legislation, officially known as the Civil Rights Amendments Act of 1991, is the only vehicle in Congress to provide recourse for those discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation. The bill numbers are S574 in the Senate and ~ HR1430 in the House. The bills amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968 to include sexual orienta- tion. These laws currently prohibit dis- ; ., crimination on the basis of race, cplkg national origin, religion, disability- and sex in the areas of housing, employment, public accommodations, credit and feder- ally-assisted programs. For Vermonters: Representative Bernie Sanders (I) has signed on as a co- sponsor in the U .S . House; Senators Pat- rick Leahy and James Jeffords have not joined the list of sponsors in the Senate. In New Hampshire neither the Repre- sentatives or Senators have agreed to be co—sponsors. Write and let your Representatives and Senators know that it is time they sup- ported your civil rights. Also thank our sponsors, they need to hear that we ap- preciate their support. Contact NGLTF for constituent postcards and more in- formation on the bill: NGLTF, 1734 14th St NW, Washington, D.C. 20009. V Federal Civil Rights Bill 5 mmgwm/ERMW FEB 6 Years ol 1992 ~.‘ Happv Birthday OITM!