PERSONALS Lesbian seeking other lesbians for friendship. I enjoy politics, reading, col- lecting shells, cats and cozy evenings. I live in a very homophobic area with al- most no female contact so would ap- preciate hearing from other women. I’m 46, law clerk and work at a battered women’s program. Really looking for- ward to hearing from other women. Write c/o Personals # 12, OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. Recently moved to Montpelier and look- ing for people to jog/run with. Call 223- 4072. TRAVEL Gay country inn with 20 charming rooms, 100 scenic acres, heated pool, hot tub, hiking/skiing trails, spacious common areas, peace & privacy. We’re your perfect vacation choice year round! Highlands Inn, Box 118VT, Bethlehem NH 03574. (603) 869-3978. Grace, Innkeeper. WANTED Rape Crisis Center Seeks Volunteers. The Women’s Rape Crisis Center is seek- ing volunteers to work with survivors of rape, child sexual abuse, and to provide community education on sexual assault awareness & prevention. For info and to register for training call 864-0555 or 863- 1236. Call for Submissions: DYKE REVIEW quarterly lesbian magazine for dykes who want more diversity in their life. Before submitting send SASE for guidelines, along with areas of interest to: DYKE RE- VIEW, 584 Castro St, Suite 456, San Francisco, CA 94114. From Now On, an anthology of creative writing by young gays, lesbians, and bi- sexuals seeks submissions. Original & previously published work by writers born 1966 and later. Send submissions with SASE & short bio by January 31, 1992, to Michael Lowenthal, PO Box A- 164, Hanover, NH 03755. Lesbian Writers Fund accepting en- tries for annual awards in fiction and poetry. Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation Application & writing sam- ple must be submitted by March 13, 1992. For guidelines, eligibility criteria and application form write to: Lesbian Writers Fund, Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation, 66 Broadway, Suite 520, New York, NY 10012. P-FLAG seeking Volunteers to assist in placing a public service announcement (PSA) on local television stations nation- wide. For more information on serving on a media team write to: PSA Director, P- FLAG, 1012 14th St. N.W., Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20005, by February 1, 1992. Distribution of the PSA will begin in March 1992. V Calendar January 1-26 50 Photos: A Phase I, Randomized Trial Exhibition at Photographic Re- source Center of Boston University. Unique forum for 50 individuals living with HIV/AIDS to express themselves through the medium of photography. Tue-Sun 12-5 pm, Thursday till 8pm. 6 VGSA Game night- Winooski Starting at 7 pm. Call 893-6935 for info. 16 VGSA Mexican Night in Colchester. Dinner provided at cost of $3.00 to cover ingredients. Call 878-7645 for info and location. Multiple Loss and AIDS Researchers at UCSF are documenting the effects of HIV-related bereavements on women and men. This research study consists of completing an anonymous questionnaire about your experience with the loss of partners, family members, or friends who have died from AIDS. The questionnaire can be filled out in the privacy of your own home and mailed back to researchers at UCSF. If you are interested in participating, please call toll free (800) 934-5677 January 1992 19 GLB Therapists’ Group meeting. Call for location and directions (802) 482- 2981. Lesbian and Gay Parents monthly pot- luck brunch. 10:30 a.m. Call 893-6146 for location and info. 24 OITM Envelope Stuffing and General Meeting. 10 a.m., Burlington. Stuffing in the morning, followed by lunch, followed by the meeting. Newcomers are wel- come. Call Deb at 660-2713 for info and location. 24-26 Project Empowerment-Weekend retreat for gay & lesbian educators. New York City. Sponsored by Equity Institute. call (510)658-4577 for info. 26 Pot-Luck Dinner - VGSA -Winooski. Dinner & envelope stuffing starting at 6pm. Bring a dish to share. Call 893- 6935 for info and location. February 22 Semi-Formal Prom; Days Inn, Montpe- lier. Sponsored byVermont Lesbian and Gay Pride V KEEP US POSTED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our calendar so that we can share them with all our readers. Send your group's listings or other in- formation to: 0IT M, PO Box 177, Burling- ton VT 05402. Materlak must be received by the 1st of the month prior to publica- tion ln order to be assured of appearing in print. 23