January 1992 Dykes To Watch Out For By Al,-S0,, Bechde; UVM GLBA A A. . Implements n....mIs H , " I Education Blitz ;/V SPIEILTACULAIZ ’ -I'g.5ApI( TRIO Thomas C. Aloisi HASJILST :5M’E'“;:f0[:. The fall 1991 semester proved to be ex- nnua vmous tremely successful for the University of “Q35 Vermont Gay, Lesbian Bisexual Alliance Emu)’, (GLBA). The GLBA, 25 members strong, educated approximately 700 un- dergraduate students about many of the issues conceming gay, lesbian and bi- sexual people. F0 ONE PHONEBILL, Q, N01. . N ’rHICK.:£T(,H0UL[l5- _ Iz-PKOFT IDNATON REQUESTS, "A2" (AIZD BILL ZAMALI G — — : JCENTED veto? =.-. - - , M MD '1 Ntwozlifik CATALOGS . OFFERS Mg, ,1 ,,,m,W , MA II5rry,rAa.eRJu.y ‘ Most of the educational sessions were P\AIL- ORDER mrALcz,r é-. WRAPPED PACKAGE panel discussions led by one or more ~— - ~ * GLBA members. Students in Human Sex- uality and Race and Culture classes at UVM were able to seek answers for the questions they had regarding gay men, lesbians and bisexuals. In many cases this was the first time students had knowingly talked to anyone who was “out.” Many of the panels were small discussion groups consisting of seven to ten people. This enabled the group to get to know a gay, :13 um FAIR, Gliléfll.’ \/£AH,oIz ANYCAR wimu 5H5 SEND nnsma? II>u HAVEN'T HAD om»: Tizousies, ok woIiI< (RISE) Ema GEL ? 6090555 -SHAPED CHOODLATES ? fonable sewn mac: or Junk MNL IN 0R ZITS EITHERIAND 3- _, _, you/1 PMS HA5 vimt/ALLY , "'5”W“’- .‘ ’ ‘ ” " “ GLBA members were excitedtofacilitate a panel for the UVM fraternity Acacia, which two years ago received a great deal of negative publicity for refusing to admit an openly gay pledge. The fraternity pres- ident, Lance Waterman, approached GLBA and asked for a representative to speak to Acacia’s members and current pledge class. He is to be commended for his courageous efforts to combat homo- EA6!£,“’F_5_,"‘|:,‘;\’g‘bTJ”‘UM._ phobia and increase tolerance in the sus wows 50 arm 50 um‘; . , UVM community. , D C£rJTUi£D.’ , E GLBA members also held panels at Trin- ity College and Green Mountain College. The GLBA needs your support to fulfill the many requests for panel discussions. If you wish to get involved or would like more information about GLBA, call 656-0699. V (302) 447-2110 Janet K. BroWn,MA.,C.A_C Jean Townsend, M.A. BY APPOINTMENT Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental \» / Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor — _' - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES / \ DR. NANCY L. BURNS . TRAUMA AND Loss CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN . DEPRESSION BODY MIND SPIRIT ‘ Individuals Couples Families Mil , VT 185 NORTH STREET (30§))%934315 2 Ch_urch Street (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) , Burlington, VT BENNINGTON, VT 05201 (802) 863-8162