Battered Women’s Services of Wash- ington County Carla S. Battered Women’s Services (BWS) was founded in February 1990, to provide services to battered women in Central Vermont. BWS offers emotional sup- port, infonnation and referral, ad- vocacy, and safe homes, including one safe home specifically for lesbians. All volunteers complete a training program which includes education about lesbian battering. Although few Abuse Pre- vention Orders have been granted to les- bians in Vermont, BWS provides ad- vocacy to anyone seeking an APO. Executive Director Naomi Dean em- phasizes the need for strong lobbying to pass bill H.462 during the coming leg- islative session. Among the amend- ments this bill would provide is one to modify the Abuse Prevention Act to in- clude all potential victims of abuse. H.462 would redefine “household mem- bers” as “former spouses, persons living together or sharing occupancy now or in the past, intimate partners, or persons related by blood, adoption or marriage now or in the past.” The current defini- tion excludes gay men and lesbians. While BWS’s primary aim is to provide services for battered women, several battered men have also been assisted. The BWS 24—shour hotline number is (802) 223-0855. Formerly Battered Lesbian Network Forming Survivors of lesbian battering are uniting to form a statewide network in Vennont. The main goal of the network is to con- nect lesbians who have experienced and worked their way out of abusive re- lationships, since we are the ones who can most empathetically support one an- other in the ongoing healing process. Additional goals for the future may in- clude: education of the lesbian, gay and bisexual community about battering, lob- bying for Abuse Prevention Act amend- ments which would legally entitle us to restraining orders against batterers, and support and role modeling for currently battered lesbians. The first meeting will be held in Mont- pelier during January 1992. Interested women may write to Carla, at PO Box 322, Montpelier, VT 05601, and will be contacted by phone regarding the date and location of meetings. Start the new year by sharing your experiences and ideas for this important network. Come to talk, come to listen, be as political or nonpolitical as you choose. Take your own next step to break the silence around lesbian battering. Read Out In The Mountains Monthly 0*-II Nmmmt rum. “Ask me how to save on car Insurance.” If you bring your home and car insurance to Allstate, you could receive attractive savings on your Allstate car insurance policy.Just give me a call about the Allstate Multi-Line Discount It could really give you a lift. Call Ellen Hetherington - 863-3808 Allstate‘ You‘re in good hands. January 1992