Letters to the Editor To the Editor, In the past few weeks, everybody has been talking about Magic J ohnson’s pub- lic disclosure of his HIV status. It was truly a sad day for Mr. J ohnson, his fami- ly and the NBA, but it was also a sad day, like so many before and more to come for every other individual infected or affected by this epidemic. It is current- ly estimated that between 500 and 800 Vermonters are infected with HIV. Many of these people have either not had the HIV antibody test or have not sought the services of the Vermont Persons with AIDS (PWA) coalition or their local AIDS service organization. The VT PWA Coalition is a statewide or- ganization which advocates for the needs of HIV-infected citizens. The VT PWA Coalition strongly emphasizes the mes- sage of self—empowerment vs. the “vic- tim” role and dogma. We work with state and local government, public health of- ticials, health care providers, and com- munity based service organizations call- ing for excellence in support services. We also provide HIV+ speakers and function as a resource and referral base, as well as providing a safe and con- fidential way for HIV+ persons to meet and socialize. Remember, you are NOT alone. To contact the VT PWA Coalition call 1- 800-69VTPWA, (802) 257-9277 or write PO Box 1055, Brattleboro, VT 05302. Rick Aitchieon Co-Vice-Chair VT PWA Coalition John Loughlin Member, Board of Directors VT PWA Coalition V i Therapeutic Massage —+— Swedish and Russian Massage for Relaxation - Stress reduction — Pain relief- Sports Conditioning HOWARD PETERSON licensed Massage Practitioner Member of the American Massage Therapy Association Brattleboro, VT Call for Keene, NH appointment Peterborough, NH (603) 924-9500 Dear Editor, I want to take this opportunity to thank OITM for including an article about the National Coming Out Day events up at UVM in the December issue. Two people I had personally invited to speak, whose names were not mentioned in the article, were Lynn Vera and Renne Proulx, who came and livened the place up with her drums. I also want to thank Deb Lashman for agreeing to speak at the Kickoff Celebra- tion that took place on Thursday, October 10. As a member of the committee that worked on planning the events, I vol- unteered to invite some people who have enriched the local glb culture to speak at this informal, open-mike, speak-around. I was very excited that such an event was taking place, since so often the only way glb people get to share their experience is through educational panel discussions or in an angry demonstration. This celebra- tion of ourselves, our culture and our lives was a refreshing change. As I was calling people I ran into several difficulties. One is that glb people seem to be terminally busy. The other that came out during the event is the dif- ficulty that even the most "out" members of our community can experience when they take yet another risk. I look forward to the day when all of us can relax and enjoy such an event as the necessary cul- tural exchange that we deserve and that it should be. I envision a future where Oc- toberfest might have to vie with a multi- cultural festival of crafts, music, writing and art that would, of course include the rich and lively culture of glb peoples. Sincerely, Dot Brauer V Gift Certificates 0 Home Visits Vermont News Keith Goslant and Holly Perdue, Co- Liaisons to the Governor from the Ver- mont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men, were formally recognized in a let- ter from Governor Dean on November 25th. In recognizing the Co-Liaisons, Governor Dean appointed Kathleen Hoyt, Chief of Staff, to serve as his liai- son, and encouraged Holly and Keith to meet with her to bring her up to date on their concerns and develop a working re- lationship with her. The Vermont Girl Scout Council at its November Board meeting made a num- ber of changes to its policies to reflect the changing American family. -Added age, gender, veteran status and sexual orientation to its Af- firmative Action statement. -Amended its leave policy to add time off for sickness, critical iHness or death of a family or household member. (Italics added) -Added new-parent leave for all new parents excluding birth mother (already covered under maternity leave) to allow two weeks for any new parent The policy covers new parents regardless of sex or family makeup. V Forconfidenfial AIDS Information Call January 1992 K1-800-882-AIDSJ