Out in the Mountains Are You Two ...Together? A Gay And Lesbian Travel Guide to Europe by Lindsay Van Gelder and Robin Brandt Terje Anderson Information for gay and lesbian inter- national travelers has always been hard to come by. The existing gay guide- books (Spartacus, Gais’s Guide, etc) tend to offer little more than an out of date list of names and addresses of bars and cruising areas, accompanied by in- decipherable codes and symbols as clues to the nature of the place. (Using these codes, I once ended up in an elegant and pricey restaurant in Amsterdam clad in bareriented tattered denim - oops, so much for the guidebook). And to most straight guidebooks, we’re invisible, or worse, gay places are an annoyance to be avoided by the respectable traveler. Into this vacuum enters Are You Two...Together?, a comprehensive, read- able and altogether enjoyable guide for lesbian and gay visitors to fourteen Eu- ropean destinations. Far more than just a guide to gay night- life, this is travel writing at its very best. For each city, Van Gelder and Brandt in- clude a section of general information; highlights of the area’s gay and lesbian history, culture and politics; notes on lo- cal language and customs; sites of par- ticular queer interest; and, the most fun, lots of anecdotal accounts of their trav- els, meetings with other gay men and les- bians, and encounters with the local straight population. i"’7"--."’:"'%,,V;,rg..&,‘G""5-’4> I ‘u ',.._’* 1 ‘b 1202 East Pike St. (206) 322-4718 " , . ' ;_ 5. n ‘Ir'~a 1 -J0 "- -4,‘ --4, -u ~-r - 4 -- - ~. ,, __ W I 9,5”, A; -« ‘,2-‘¢:7,’,a»,""L $1“. 370/hb "'<>L:'g‘°,ga ':fa~‘o',,b °‘;r;,‘,f}t‘~'4I',°*_V:"é:.Q‘~..°°m,‘ G. ;% v_. M», ‘..'-v 0- _ In." Wow" W»: I». ~g,,,;§n‘,3,u "mg, -so.,,,_s. “ xx ‘*1. '- I ""'V " "'Z”' ' OIL ‘In I i ' '0' \ 4% ’ » .."”-11 ' ~. ’~ °‘ 7"e°:i 3 ‘*3-' ”% - »:-.;-. $5 s ~"°"-—. " as . 'L:£,’:r -~' ' "'1 5 "In "|vr' h. . 0: ' ‘ 'a:::.':}I""°r"°0e 'c I "-1 4 41-" n.,,.‘_. . -n,,,":,,_ 0., _ my .4, 85.0 '-h~ . M: c,_ 03.5‘ ~44: 4. ~.., e, - . "Ur.-‘,4-1; .. 59: -I.., 3‘‘‘’'--»’Q "'3'"! . . - ' -'- QVN “ ‘ '3.’."~n”'c7" '‘’'''7’' am "'»c..,"'~:'.""-az _ .__,. ., ,. .. .- . ., . _. WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS ? D & B Fine Coffee's, Inc. is accepting applications to purchase an espresso cart business. You could gross between $45,000.00 & $300,000.00 per year. If you would like to be your own boss, If you enjoy working with the public, If you enjoy Coffee and If you have good credit. . . . Assist you in becoming a Distributor for D & 3 Products. Have you ever wished you were a part of the team that started McDonald's ? Now you have an opportunity to become a member of the only National chain of Espresso Cart Companies. For More Information : D & B Fine Coffee's, Inc. A Suite 795 Seattle, Washington 98122 ..Then WE WILL 20 They write with a real queer sensibility; brutally honest and at times ironic and uproariously funny (their section on vis- iting Berlin before The Wall came down left me laughing out loud every par- agraph.) After reading their book, I don’t just want to go back to Europe, I want to travel with these women - they simply must be loads of fun. Their sense of cu- riosity, excitement, and very un- American openness to the ways of other cultures would undoubtedly make them the perfect travelling companions. The descriptive sections are augmented by thorough listings for each city — gay nightlife, gay—oriented or gay—friendly restaurants and hotels, and local lesbian and gay community resources. The list- ings are annotated, with full descriptions of everything (including delicious ac- counts of the food which could make you gain weight just from reading them). And, at least for the cities I’ve visited in the last few years, I can attest to the ab- solute accuracy of their listings. While much of the book is geared to les- bian and gay couples (the ins and outs of getting a double bed for a same sex couple are described in detail), the book is just as valuable for the single queer traveling alone. In fact, their descriptions of gay men’s bars are undoubtedly the most insightful and useful (as well as the funniest) I’ve ever read. If you’re planning a trip to Europe, don’t even think of going without this book (although if you’re going on a tight bud- get, you'll want to augment it with some- thing else geared to the hostel—style trav- eler, like the very gay-friendly Let's Go guidebooks. And even if you’re not going anywhere in the near future, this book is perfect for curling up next to the fire on a cold Ver- mont winter evening and dreaming of be- ing somewhere else. It’s not quite as good as being there, but it’s close. My only complaint with this book is a simple one: why wasn’t it published years ago, before my last trip? Oh well, at least the next time I won’t blunder into a candlelight romantic gay restaurant wearing torn blue jeans more suited to a backroom. Are You Two... Together? is available in paperback from Random House. V