Vermont News The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Vermont held its annual meeting on October 26th. Elections to the Board of Di- rectors were held; among those reelected were Holly Perdue, one of Verrnont’s two co-liasions to the governor for lesbian and gay concerns. Included in priorities for the next year are support for the gay rights bill and an amendment to the Vermont constitution guaranteeing the right to privacy. V Boycott Strictly Vermont. As reported in OITM in September and in the Burlington Free Press in mid-November, the Strictly Vermont store is backed by a fundamentalist group which actively promotes hatred against gays and lesbians through its brochures. OIT M again encourages you to boycott the Strictly Vermont store in Burlington and any other outlets for their products. V LESBIAN AND GAY JOINING CEREMONIES WEDDINGS CED Create our own ceremony to cefe rate your [ow amf procfaim your spiritual union. Jémor tlie sz;£]nificanr::br/If[your refations/iip as you sy 0 icaffy proclaim tfie Eoruf you cfierisfi. Rev. Giita Clark, ordained minister Counsefirg to resofve gay aruffesfiian couples aruffamify issues. gay amffesfiiari coupfes arufpareniing warlisfiops cyfferezf. Erica Marks, S.A.C., C.H. Partners in Recovery and Growth 182 Main Street Burlington VT 05401 (802)-865-2403 December 1991 (302) 447-2110 \ / BY APPOlNTMENT / \ DR. NANCY L. BURNS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN BODY MIND SPIRIT 185 NORTH STREET (HARSCH ASSOCIATES BUILDING) BENNINGTON, VT 05201 — Milton, VT Janet K. Brown,MA,C.AC Jean Townsend, MA Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES - TRAUMA AND LOSS - DEPRESSION Individuals Couples Families 2 Church Street Burlington, VT (802) 863-8162 (802) 893-4816 E’ V SUSAN MCKENZIE MS ELLEN KIRSCHNER CSW MARJORIE ROBLIN CSW announce the joining of their practices and the opening of THE WoMEN’s THERAPY CENTER A Feminist Therapy Practice V 2 Church Street Burlington, Vermont 860-7454