THIS IS A SAFE SPACE We the undersigned, are proud to add our names to the growing list of members and friends of the University of Vermont community who are committed to making our campus a safe and growth-enhancing place for all bisexual, lesbian, and gay individuals in the classroom, in the residence halls, and in the administration. National Coming Out Day is a chance for members of sexual minorities to proclaim and celebrate their lives. By "coming out” or telling significant others the truth, gay, lesbian, and bisexual people help to dispel invisibility and misunderstand- ings. We support Coming Out Day not as an imperative to bisexual, lesbian and gay people to expose themselves to the danger that comes from misunderstanding and hatred. It is instead an imperative to the entire community to stand by them by coming out as supporters, friends, and allies, who celebrate diverse lifestyles and oppose the op- pression of difierentness. It is also a day whereeverybody can affirm the freedom to live and love.responsibly and X El/l\u',/3-43»!/'/v'7‘\Lt/tug):--\(L.;_(L,"LA,,] 0'Nu.£ ‘H. ____ ‘Qd,v,.,, 711-$4.441-/fl%(%‘(«. JNJQ « ‘ — \ \''W\T-:Y> J‘ ; ‘ r ‘ fr?‘ S “I; ' . ' 0\ /g_(/€tu(_\,/.'P§Q::!\!-J%i\_Q;1j;11_r.$ 30 fl - ' 7.; .r , . 6¢,,‘,o4 V ' iV\«JJ34,,_ I ,--.5: ~T(_)hfi».A/.')/. ~?,3""'\LJ’?-‘l'9'd‘"“"f"J¢ r /3 H“ m, N /73 fl.,t,,., .Dw«.e(p,i,D/ ,,/W zm. ,4/1/ii: ;:‘l/l.l’Y(§,[7”]/i7»<;mi'lq;/‘.l{;':;';.e¢,‘:;gK«(:.Llé‘— “(I W“ qfmw ZZé,u6a ,4‘, ~ - UM '; ' ' /am 7>o7;z0 .!’“7’“ 2“ éLw~m‘*4U"8“*%”L 29/U . Q/,é,~[,l\ :0. L/e,.\JcLo-.1 , . S we/NH‘ =c&vvv~;._ . " .. ” '" ‘ ’”"‘~/ " __ H _\ _,V_. , I; (WI; '3 J_.‘J_~') ' .. , 2 ‘ M0“"’(" EH54‘; CF70/I/V’ '""'h N. * =.{\ I‘ / ‘Mk C/%57€%§w‘-/L_\z ? (/1 2 /, / \ .1 A , - .. - Iv ' w . 34'” "'7’”7""" Egg "W _il\-we 'vv~-vxwg J-//J 7% ‘ A‘ 45%-1 '. -, ,- , 4» .. ' r /.7 ; , u... /'.7?., i.. “M/Z’ ‘Ir/WK / e 2- 5.7% K .s~¢.,.,,..*% $3.. ~,;...-. as ‘ m$?wL 3 ‘?<’/€"’““‘/ /W "Wig s“?»*‘i‘:‘a/~ A is P’ *‘“}"% - ‘ -. -515 E ."‘“,“ ,, z " c»; o . e ‘ Q‘, /1 ./,5 (‘M . . 'KL5(.5,a./dz t// : ASL} :_fl_é%-— i P [("l€Q_ A : i-r._._!_o% V ‘Q V k (gt K Gt1n+ H 23- fiwldll W7‘ gm” fly” Q” \ 1/ K4444.’ ‘5 A “q‘r°\& ‘E /Y 3W.\:g&&E\\$R.Ex:. . ' Eris HEéUNl/VV L \ q //E: él-‘1~>2_UF»-‘-xg S;:’:'{*§:E?ni».4_,....\ . _ v _“”r"_'°°“"‘T'3, , ,> ,_ f . 1% {rev V3Mc..“""' 32% S ”““'“WW:»;i,% 272:: lllliém Htoni : '“MfLfmC«~:.»,"i,”@,,;¢%,, ,0.z /"A7 u fimks 9 rpm s~#a«'— V 9 égéa, 7%, V .»7«»7Dga»—>%§_,;[z.,¢ m oafia ~T-‘rl&>oo ‘g">mJ\% ~u4um«.u_»‘* ‘‘ Wm:r...... 5 ms; ' "N '5» aw/~44-4. £~ / 7 ‘ /W’? 114% Q _ V >k « swtxfztgwis W rm»; ' /77”} ‘C '4 ”“"““ ' 3} ' ‘s’ H Dawn mt I S}.}Q“[‘i’Q*~m\ Jw “""°‘4§ _. W W QWW M “a"**‘“*’ e¢~,::Wm.,..e‘:“7’.’Zia.l‘l?2Q; dmWi.M Dwm 0‘ Wwm Q ’/(’b”“"J“- ‘£~7r~6 4””? “””’d“”‘/ 6—.~\ ;ci_ ,i\),,cu-.-cit: MLCU This advertisement was paid, in part, by the people whose signatures you see above. _ . . Sponsored by the UVM Wellness Promotion Program of the Student Health Center, Student Association, GZBA (Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Alliance), Student Afi"ai'rs, Orientation 6: Parent "elations, Psychology Dept., Counseling & Testing Center, Cooperatiize Christian Ministry, Dept. of Residen- ital Life, Career Development, and Outright Vermont. NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY’ OCTOBER 11’ 1991 THE VERMONT CYNIC OCTOBER 10. 1991 19 November 1991