Out in the Mountains Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents meets monthly on Sunday mom- ings for a potluck bnmch. To find out the date and time of the next meeting check the Calendar sec- tion of OITM. For more locations and more information call (802) 893-6146 or write Vennont Les- bian & Gay Parents c/o 01 TM , PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. V Gay and Lesbian Families Create Community Giita Clark ‘Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents was organized to give gay and lesbian families a way to meet one another and socialize. Monthly infonnal gatherings meet in differ- ent homes so that gay and lesbian parents can share ideas, form friendships and provide a healthy, sup- portive environment for their children to play with oth- er children of gay and lesbian families. Although the group is less than a year old, a number of the parents have already found support, inspiration, and a sense of community with each other. As parents, many of us are forced to increase our in- volvement with the heterosexual world through schools, day care, pediatricians, parents of our chil- dren’s friends, etc. With the added demands of family life, it often becomes difficult for us to create or main- tain our social lives, or to generate much needed sup- port for our families. At a time when we most need support as parents and as lesbians and gays, it becomes even more difficult for us to create it for ourselves. I remember the sense of validation and empowerment I experienced when I first became involved in the gay community years ago as a single lesbian. Now, I am again experiencing a whole new level of personal sup port and affirmation as I participate in the lesbian and gay parent community. It feels like “coming home.” Parenting with a healthy sense of pride in our gay life- style can be challenging. Meeting with other parents who are creating innovative ways to meet successfully the special demands of being lesbian and gay and of being parents is tremendously encouraging. Our chil- dren also benefit from our social contact. Through meeting with other alternative families, they ex- perience a normalization and validation of their fami- ly’s lifestyle. As our children play and grow together, they can become invaluable resources for each other in discovering ways to relate positively to both the gay and straight worlds. Parents continue to contact us and join our group. We exchange everything from recipies and parenting std ries to toilet training strategies and discipline ideas. Al- though we are not a fonnal or structured “support group”, we are a growing community and a supp- portive social network for gay and lesbian families. V Dartmouth GALA Fred Pond Late in Spring 1991, Michael Choukas, Director of Alumni Af- fairs at Dartmouth College, an- nounced the official recognition of D—GALA, Dartmouth's Gay and Lesbian Alumn group by the college altunni office. This means D-GALA will receive cooperation from Dartmouth in organizing events, such as parties, home coming weekends, and the like. Orginally, the request to be recognized by the college was turned down, citing escalating work loads on the alumni office to do mailing lists, newsletters, and other alumni—related activities for specialized alumni groups. Among others, there are alumni organizations for Dartmouth Law- yers (there is no law school), Black Alumni, and Native Amer- ican Alumni. The two latter groups were mandated by the school trustees. D-GALA chair, Charles Edwards credited the change to widespread attention following campus dem- onstrations, support from student govemment, and media atten- tion.When D-GALA agreed not to require the alumni office to do a newsletter or maintain mailing lists, Mr. Choukas announced the school's recognition of the group, saying it was a “bona fide or- ganization of alumni working in the best interest of the College”. D-GALA’s newsletter, Dart- mouth GALA News, is already in its fifth volume. Over five hun- dred alumni are associated with D-GALA. To contact D-GALA, write Dartmouth Gay/Lesbian/ Bisexual Alumni, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH or call (603) 646-3636. V Announces The i n rtin r K, Relocation Of Her ‘figs? Practice To Vermont Feminist Psychotherapy Specializing in Women's Issues Sliding Scale 802-860-8424 10 Week Support Group for Women going through a separation from a relationship. Topics include: o understanding the relationship o special issues in lesbian relationships o working toward resolution Call Nancy DesR;ault, M.S.W., L.S.W. at 860-8424