Out in the Mountains By Alison Bechdel z,Q¢nD AT tours Too. .. GOODLU(I<,LOlS. ' ". H095 YDUBCET THE Dykes To Watch Out For mgr‘: MDNDA7’ Morwme AT Mo's HOUJE, |SN'TToD/t~/ ms Yu P.'L£TJ my IEZANNASAIDSHED HAVE DINNER AT LET YOU Know WHO sue’; . THE TDPAZ TONIGHT HIRING FORTHE M54305? , K To CELEBRATE! onmy, om)’. LET '5 V GET IT OVER wml. _i, LISTEN. I wow 700 WERE ' 501 H cowrwe on 1-H15 foe... ‘ ‘W:§))»7.I77.’r/in‘.-.n).u V HER NAME’; THEA. I JHE 5 Man In Town]. MA~/BE you Sokky. I KNowYouRE DISAPPOMTED. BUT lT’D BE A RE/U1-7’ puns Movz »JoT To HIRE HER . SHE HAS YEAKS or EXPERIENCE A5 A Bw/ea FDRA BOOKSTORE on 1142 wasrcoasr. sue KNov15‘D’ot) P/15559 ur/«E - AND LOU Foe 5om;.sTRANf-En Second Annnual Family Weekend Cheri Goldstein Over the weekend of August 16-18 about 20 gay and lesbian families from as far away as Washington D.C. brought their camping gear and their sense of hu- mor and enjoyed a few days together. A diverse variety of families was repre- sented. Most families had children, but not all. Children ranged in ages from 6 months to 15 years old. This weekend was specifically to affirm our families and to be safe with others in similar cir- cumstances. As one child put it, “It was nice to be around other kids like me- nobody made fun of me or my dad.” “Being around other people who share my same type of circumstance is good for me as well as good for my daughter. She needs to know she is not the only kid whose mother is a lesbian,” com- mented another happy camper. There was time and space for nature games and structured play for the chil- dren. There was also “adult space”; time set aside for a discussion on homophobia and our families. “This weekend has meant so much to me. I can not really be out at home. This has given me a chance to meet other peo- ple and get some support and still be safe in my home town,” was one participant’s assessment of the weekend. Singer Pur- ley Gates came from New Hampshire to offer an evening of family entertainment. “It was joyous hearing non-sexist songs that the kids an learn and sing on their own.” Both children and adults swapped addresses under the main tent on Sunday morning before they headed back to their homes. V TELEPHONE (802) 524-9595 CAROL L. THAYER, M.D. FAMILY PRACTICE OFFICE HOURS BOX 16 BY APPOINTMENT RD. 2, BOX 1160 FAIRFAX, VERMONT 05454 Plainhend, \/T 05667 l‘)l¥'1l4()l\’./\ll G. A I..l("l:;.\', M}.-\. L:censed Psychologist-Master (802) 454-7701