Letters to the Editor Politics or Not? As a somewhat new resident of Vermont, (l’ve only been here since 1986), and having moved here from an area where the liasion to the governor was a job that was considered important and gay and lesbian people helped out, it appears to me that since the inception of our liasions in 1984, we as a group have done nothing to help. To the contrary, we have under- mined their efforts by doing nothing. The time is coming this legislative year where we have a good chance of re- ceiving our equal rights like everyone else. But it can never be done unless we all help. I don’t think it is at all fair to ex- pect our liasions to the governor to do all the work. Don’t we care anymore? Why have we become so complacent? Are we happy with the way things are? I know I’m not. A letter was sent out to about 150 people pertaining to a very important meeting of the Vermont Coaliation of Lesbians and Gay Men and asking for a response as to whether or not they were still needed. A total of 5 responses were received. The civil rights bill can’t get passed without help. If we are closeted or if we are out, we can all do something. I certainly hope that we as a community don’t loose out be- cause we didn’t try or because we passed the buck. Let’s work and do everything we can to pass our bill. Phone numbers for the liasions are on the back page of this issue. Use them to find out what you can do to help. Burke Burr Waterbury V Dear Friend, America’s lesbian and gay community has recently been dealt several defeats at the hands of the Federal government. Like you, I have watched in dismay and disgust as Congressman William Dan- nemeyer helped ban I-IIV—positive travel- lers and immigrants, as Jesse Helms championed mandatory testing of doctors and nurses, and as the Defense De- partment continued to harass gay men and lesbians in the military. We have tak- en a beating at the hands of homophobes in Congress and the White House, and its time to fightback. Who defends us against this political gaybashing in the Capital? Who speaks for you in Washington? The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. NGLTF has served you well by lobbying con- gressmembers to sponsor the Federal Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Bill, col- lecting and publicizing statistics on anti- gay violence, and monitoring grassroots activists through their Creating Change conference. As a longtime supporter and a recently elected board member of the Task Force, I strongly believe in the need to help the group that represents our interests to the nation. There are over 20 million gay Americans, and only one in one thousand is currently a member of the Task Force. I urge you to back NGLTF with as gener- ous a contribution as you can possibly give (send to NGLTF, 1734 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009-4309). 1 am so confident that the Task Force deserves our support that I pledge to match any contribution you make to the National Gay and Lesbian Task force dollar for dollar. Just write or call me and tell me November 1991 how much you have donated, and I will send a check for the same amount to the Task Force offices. 1 can be reached at the following address: Drew Siegel, 1420 Clayton Street, Apt. 203, San Fran- cisco, CA, 94114, Tel: (415) 552-8382. Don’t let Helms and Dannemeyer bash us with impunity. Support the men and women who fight for your rights every day, and join the Task Force. Warmly, Drew Siegel V K For confidential \ AIDS Information Call 1-800-882-AIDS K J 802 482-2335 Howard Russell, M.A., M.Ed. Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor Individual, Couple, Group Therapy Offices in Burlington and Middlebury‘ Male Incest Survivor & Male Couple Groups Forming MICHAEL FERNANDES, M.Ed. (802) 348-7225 INDIVIDUAL - COUPLE AND FAMILY COUNSELING Main Street - P. O. Box 63 Vlfilliamsville, VT 05362