Out in the Mountains Strictly Strictly Vermont: Heterosexist, Strictly Homophobic, News for the Unsuspecting Shopper OITM Staff The Strictly Vermont storefront at 184 Main St., Burlington, has been the site of two recent protests by people concerned with St;rictly Vermont's promotion of a doctrine that they claim encourages (het- ero) sexism, homophobia, hatred, fear, and misconceptions toward gays, les- bians, and the role of women in our com- munity and in society at large. Strictly Vermont is owned and operated by a group calling itself the ”community”. There are several "community" settle- ments in various parts of New England and in various comers of the globe, al- though the one that Vermonters are prob- ably most familiar with is the settlement in Island Pond, which was the site of a “One of the most vile aspects of ho- mosexuality is the insatiable appetite for new (young) flesh. They put on a gentle, plastic front, as if they are nice people with different sexual preferences than some. Well of course they act nice! How could child abuse controversy in the mid they Seduce p°°p1_eif,t)l,‘,ey were 1980's. Members have distributed lit- 50”“ and °b“°’“°“S,- _ Homosexuals are bringing the earth erature at various local gatherings, in- cluding the Rainbow Gathering, the Reg- gae Festival, and the Gay Pride march and rally. The document that caught our attention at Out in the Mountains is called, Back to the Garden... and De- stroying Those Who Destroy the Earth -- a 38 page newsletter format that offers a series of brief articles on the com- munity's philosophy and way of life. If you live in Burlington and haven't seen a copy, pick one up in the entryway of Strictly Vermont... And while you're there, you might try to re-educate the merchants! Here are some choice quotes on homosexuality: Susan Fra_nz, M.A. Kate O'Brien, M.S. Psychotherapists lndlvldual Couples Family Group 15 Pinecrest Drive Essex Junction, VT 05452 802/878-4399 closer and closer to devastation... Homosexual love is a perverted love” Peggy Luhrs, of the Burlington Women's Council, says that when confronted by their belief system, workers at Strictly Vermont and/or members their com- munity have denied being directly in- volved in the recent wave of violence di- rected at women and/or the gay/lesbian community -- particularly in the form of rape and gay beatings. However, she feels they are contributing to a climate that sets the stage for gay bashing and hatred by promoting a belief system that is rife with sexism, homophobia, in- tolerance, and misconception. Their words speak for themselves. Is this the kind of business and philosophy of life we want to support? Let them know what you think! Strictly Vermont outlets can be found at 184 Main St., Burling- ton, and 115 Rockingharn St., Bellows Falls. Community settlements exist in Boston, MA, Lancaster, NH, and Bel- lows Falls, Burlington, and Island Pond, VT. Phone numbers can be found on the last page of Back to the Garden. V WheretoFlnd OITM Bennington Free Library Bennington Norms - e ookstore Brattloboro Food Coop Brattleboro Midd1e}ll>uuryBNatural Food Coop Center Calroots Brattloboro Bear Pond Books Montpelier C0105 B1"“fl‘5b°T° Horn of the Moon Cafe Montpelier C°l'"m°n Gl’°ul'ld B“m1°b°‘° Woman Centered Montpelier Everyonds Books Braltloboro Morristowrl Centennial Library Morrisville Bufl-lTl8t0ll C0338‘? Bmfingmn Moore Free Library Newfane Chassman & Born Burlington Northeast Kingdom AIDS Coalition Newport Partners in Recovery & Growth Burlington Brown Public Library Northfleld P311115 B“fl}“8t°Tl Social Alternatives for Gay Men Norwich Planned P31“-?mh°°d Bmhngwn Woman's Study Program Plainfield STEP Learning Center Castleton pumey Libra”, pumoy Craftsbury Public Library Craftsbury Kimball Public Library Randolph Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connection E. Middlebury pFLAG Rodand lnnwootl Manor East Bamol Rutland Free Library Rutland Greenhopo Farm East llardwiok LUNA/NEVGALR c/o Umbrella St Jollnsbury Fair Haven Free Library Fair Haven Natural provisions so Johnsbury Buffalo Mountain Coop llardwiolt Regional Library sr' Johnsbury Galaxy Books Hatdwick St. Jollrlsbury Athenaeum st" Johnsbury Jon's Automotive Lyndonville Food for Thought Stowe Project EXCEL. Lyndon State College Lyndonvllle WRJ Books white River Junction