Coming Out Day National Coming Out Day is October 11th. This is the day that commorates the 1987 March on Washington for Gay & Lesbian Civil Rights. This is also the day designated for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and their heterosexual sup- porters to reaffirm who they are and take the next step in their own personal com- ing out process. The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men has organized a weekend of celebration on October 11 and 12 in the Barre-Montpelier area. On Friday, Oc- tober 11th, at 8 pm, at the Universalist Church (comer of S. Main and Church Street) in Barre, Gertrude Stein, Ger- trude Stein, a one woman play will be performed. On Saturday, October 12th at the Christ Church in Montpelier (State St. across from the Post Office) from 9 am until 5:30 pm there will be various work- shops/discussions/caucuses. Several craftspeople will also be there. A full schedule will be included in the October issue of OITM or call the Coalition at 229-0109 for more information. The weekend will end with another showing of Gertrude Stein, Gertrude Stein on Saturday night at the Uni- versalist Church in Barre. V MICHAEL FERNANDES, M.Ed. (802) 348-7225 INDIVIDUAL - COUPLE AND FAMILY COUNSELING g Main Street - P. O. Box 63 Williamsville, VT 05362 AIDS Training The Bennington Area AIDS Project is sponsoring a comprehensive training program for AIDS service providers on Saturday October 5th and Sunday Oc- tober 6th. This training program is being conducted by Theresa Harper MA, CCSAC of Howard Brown Memorial Clinic and Kezen Harper MA of Rush- Presbyterian, St. Lukes Medical Center in Chicago. The program is primarily designed for AIDS service providers Dykes To Watch Out For 5., ,. 3-, Tum’ wAs exexr! wt-(A1 A mw WHERE may WM-0 ‘~, -. ' 3 no .5125 men awwmv RAMTA»/Av.’ -~32 - v D)Tlr1HATwA5'l'H£R1‘-JLMESSIGE? Fbt:oueANatHER,oP£N A ' ‘ms. ouw \-IA)’ roawona/—roReFn£e cozxuu TRAINING (MP F6)? - _’_/ 7,; (N ms cutruar. (rm as DEAD? WOMEN MD START FOWENF 2: N6 ARMED RESISTANCE I i . AGAINST R/wnxrs. >~ n ,4 _, - ,- -— S" 4)‘ {I'- ; 7 “ / ' ~ ““ - — I 14» o o M>vIE AtR£Al>y HA.‘-‘mo MVCH "ML; BASHING" IN IT. you u/ANT UH... I/~/HOA. Ltsral, IMJUST HfiW6/N’ I DIDN'T MEAN weu, lFyou DIDN'T MEAN AN‘/IHW6, MA~/IE You, .SHouuN'T MAKE Noues.|T} COMFUSN G. sonmmlo ? , ""-i‘ |9J'T THAT TVPKAL?/aal HM/E » mu September 1991 and is a condensed training course for people interested in being “buddies” vol- unteers. The seminar will be held at the Ramada Inn in Bennington. A limited number of rooms for people desiring overnight accomodations will be made available at a reduced price. For further information write: BAAP, PO Box 1066, Bennington, VT 05201 or call 442-4481 or 1-800-845-AIDS. V By Alison Bechdel .S:RIoU5Ly. I'D REALLY LIKE ‘TD KICKED HIM . IN THE NUTS. KM»/. IS rm way orJAmu. Haw? DIDYOUWAN1 Us ‘ro Name You? Do )bU u/ANT -ru Hm/e SEX WITH Us?