National & International News Rescue Workers Refuse Assistance to PWA’s Arvada, CO - The Arvada, Colorado, fire district’s new policy on handling medical emergencies prohibits responding to calls from people known to have in- fectious diseases, including people with AIDS. The policy was issued after an in- cident in which a volunteer firefighter was vomited on by a person thought to have the AIDS virus. Following outraged response from AIDS activists and others, district manager Joe Schumacher said Fire Chief Bob White made a mistake in issuing the memo. (Burlington Free Press) Newspaper Resists Threats Tacoma, WA - The Tacoma Morning News-Tribune ran a series of anti- homophobia ads produced by the Los Angeles Lesbian and Gay Public Aware- ness Project, despite subscription can- cellations and threats of boycotts. The first ad, published in February, re- sulted in a barrage of calls and letters, in- cluding some parents pulling their chil- dren off carrier routes. Local and national advertisers reported receiving calls urging them to boycott the paper. Officials at the paper responded by say- ing the series, which it published as a public service, would continue because the negative reaction is proof that it is needed. (LA. Lesbian & Gay Awareness Project) Frat Members pended Permanently Sus- Syracuse, NY - Fifty-four members of Alpha Chi Rho fraternity at Syracuse University were permanently suspended by officials from the national office after distributing t-shirts showing anti-gay slo- gans. The front of the shirt said “Homo- phobic and proud of it!" and the back “Club Faggots, Not Seals!” with a pic- ture of a crow (symbol of the fraternity) holding a club over the prone figure of a human. Alpha Chi Rho executive director, Jim Spencer, said “We hope that by taking decisive action, we, in the national fra- ternity, can put this issue behind us, but not forget the lessons that can be leamed.” (Washington Blade) DOD Urged to Drop Ban Rabbi Alexander Schindler, the leader of Reform Judaism, has written President Bush, urging him to drop the Pentagon’s policy of banning lesbians and gay men from serving in the armed forces. In the letter, disclosed in a press release on July 2nd, Schindler called on Bush to issue an executive order barring anti-gay dis- crimination in the military. Comparing discrimination against lesbians and gays to that used to bar blacks from equal par- ticipation and opportunity in the military before 1948, Schindler asked Bush to “Bring justice to our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters, our friends and ourselves, who have been denied it for so long.” Rabbi Schindler, president of the 1.3 mil- lion member Union of American Hebrew Congregations, has been a strong ad- vocate for the civil rights of lesbians and gays and appeared in June on the public television program Out in America. (Washington Blade) ACT-UP Wins Settlement for Fired Employee Kansas City, MO - The threat of a boy- cott and demonstrations by ACT-UP of Kansas City forced a national firm to set- tle with an employee fired because the company assumed he had AIDS. In April, Bill Homburg was fued from Pay- less Shoesource because of his presumed HIV status. While pursuing legal re- course, Homburg also contacted ACT- September 1991 UP, which demanded a settlement and an end to discriminatory practices from the parent company (May Department Stores). Three days before a planned demonstration at one of Payless‘s busiest stores, Homburg was contacted and a settlement was negotiated. Payless also sent ACT-UP a letter outlining an addi- tion to their employment policy specif- ically prohibiting discrimination based on HIV status. (ACT-UP Kansas City) Fourth of July Float Wins Trophy Takoma Park, MD - Takoma Park Les- bian and Gays, a local gay organization, won second place with their entry in a Fourth of July parade sponsored by the city. The float, featuring a closet and signs reading “Closets Are for Clothes,” drew an overwhelmingly positive re- sponse from most spectators. (Washing- ton Blade) Gay Minister to Head Unitarian Con- gregation Hollywood, FL) — The Unitarian Uni- versalist Church installed The Reverend Scott Alexander as senior minister of the Church of the Larger Fellowship in Bos- ton. Naming Alexander to head the larg- est congregation in the Association high- lights Unitarian affirmation of lesbians and gays at a time when many de- nominations are questioning their right to be full members. (Equal Time) V Help Help Help a Neighbor a Friend a Fellow Vermonter Help the AIDS support organization in your area by giving a donation to the Music of Life radiothon. September 14, 1991 Sponsored by Vermont C.A.R.E.S. Call 863-2437 in Ch'rh‘enden County or A 1-800-649-2437 for Washington, Addison, and Rutlond counties. 11