Out in the Mountains Northampton/Amherst Lesbian Festival Milci'lhornas The second annual Northampton/Arnherst Lesbian Festival, held on August 3, 1991, was a bit of a wash out. A downpour flood- ed the festival so everything was moved inside the UMass Student Union ballroom. However, this did not “dampen” the spirits of those attending the festival or the frm of the festival itself. Thirteen performers took the stage during the festival. The acts ranged from folk, jazz, and performance art, to cabaret. The festival opened and closed with Roy and Reggie, who are two women named Zoe Lewis and Julie Wheeler, teamed up to “create a Lesbian Lounge Lizard ex- travaganza.” Their last set and the festival finale featured them singing the North- ampton Blues, which lamented that whereva they go, they always meet up with their ex-lovers. It was followed by their lesbian interpretation of The Sound of Music, based their “discovery" of an orig- inal version of of the script which had Ma- ria coming out of her particular cloister or closet. Other performers included Catie Curtis, Austin, Texas born Purlie Gates singing a combination of folk and blues, and Justina and Joyce, who performed a cappella with breathtaking and beautiful hamronies. Nu- rudafina Pili Abena gave a demonstration of African and Caribbean drumming that made many festival goers get up and dance to the hypnotic rhythms. Photo by Birdie Macbennan Nurudafina Pili Abena In the afternoon, local favorite Jaime Mor- ton, an up and coming folk artist, sang a se- lection of songs from her compact disc An- imals are Moving. Another folk artist on her way up and featured at the festival was Jan Corliss, whose sound is similar to Joan Arrnatrading’s, and whose repertoire in- cludes reggae. The audience favorite was Suede, a multi-instrumentalist with a strong voice who could at one moment sing a red hot blues number and at another give Bette Midler some competition with her version of From aDistance. Comedy was provided by two stand up co- medians and a theater group. Julie Wag- goner gave her observations on life and love from a “WASP-ish” point of view and Betsy Salkind got the audience laughing with some priceless imitations of cat nois- es. The Lesbian Preoccupied Theater per- formed a short skit consisting of some very funny and observant spoofs of commercials and game shows. By the time Roy and Reggie gave their last curtain call, the energy level among the fes- tival goers was very high. The excitement and joy of being with 1000 women cel- Photo by Birdie MacLerman Festival Vendor ebrating lesbian pride was overwhelming. The craftswomen and entertainers ex- pressed the diversity of lesbians in their re- spective arts. Diane Morgan and Aliza An- sell of WOW Productions should be congratulated for their efforts at putting to- gether this festival. V “Ask me how to save on car msurance.” Ifyou bring your home and car insurance to Allstate, you could receive attractive savings on your Allstate car insurance policy.Just give me a call about the Allstate Multi-Line Discount. It could really give you a lift Call Ellen Hetherington - 863-3808 Allstate‘ You‘re in good hands. 0"" mm mnumtknlrmn A A Hlmlvsflrvn