The main goal is simply to enjoy life and share our love of the outdoors with others. I live in New Hampshire and, using the in- frastructnre of Chiltem, made many new friends within the state. Chiltem will work in Vermont just like it did in New Hamp- shire. I encourage your readers to join the other eighty Vermonters and become members. I am positive they will not be disappointed. To get a sample newsletter call 1-617-859-2843 or write Chiltem Newsletter, PO Box 1063, Watertown MA 02272-1063. Sincerely, Michael Boievert Manchester, NH V Dear0ITM, On Sunday, May 26, VT C.A.R.E.S. held their 2nd annual Talent Show at Pearl’s. As M.C. for the event, I have an apology to make to the audience. For past fund- raising events at Pearl’s that I have been involved with, the cover charge (usually $5) has gone to VT C.A.RE.S. I was un- der the assumption that this was the case for the most recent event and informed the crowd of such. However, after the fact, I was informed that Pearl’s new policy is to take half of the cover charge for ftmd- raisers. Before the organizers of the event were aware of the new bar policy, they had already armounced that cash prizes to the top three winners would total $150.'I'his means that of the $360 gathered at the door (Pearl’s chose to only charge $3), $180 went to bar owners, $150 went to the win- ning contestants and $30 went to VT C.A.R.E.S. Not all of the 120 people present that night were there just to support VT C.A.R.E.S., but I’m sine a lot of them were. And to them I apologize if I led them to believe all of their cover charge was going to a just cause. Bob Bolyard V To the Editor. I wish to respond to a letter in a recent is- sue fnorn Al Santerre concerning the Chil- tern Mountain Club. As a native of Bur- lington, currently living in Boston, I am concerned about the negative impression of Chiltem created by Mr. Santen'e’s letter. Gay and lesbian Vermonters should know that the club is much diffferent from the way Mr. Santerre described it. I have been a member of Chiltem for the past six years and am currently serving on its Executive Committee. My experiences with this group have been very positive and I have been impressed by many of the peo- ple thatl have met through it. For gays and lesbians in Vermont who love the outdoors, Chiltem is a great way to meet other like minded people throughout the rest of New England. It is definitely a worthwhile or- ganization to belong to; I urge gay and les- bian Vermonters to consider joining. Sincerely, James Brown Jamaica Plain, MA V Dear Out in the Mountains Editor, As the chair of the Chiltem Mountain Club's executive committee I find it nec- essary to respond to the dishonest attack un- leashed on Chiltem Mountain Club by Al Santerre in the June Letters to the Editor section. Chiltem exists for the pmpose of sponsoring outdoor sports and recreational activities for gays, lesbians, and our friends. Early in the spring of 1990 the executive committee, by majority vote, found a trip listing submitted by Al Santene and an- other member unacceptable for publication in our newsletter because the event was de- scribed as a maple sugar party and seemed purely ofa social nature. When I called Al todiscusstheissueIwashungupon.Ithen wrote to explain that their event per se was not necessarily inappropriate but that their description needed to better reflect the ac- tive outdoor nature of the event if this in- deed was the case. My letter was ignored. SincethattimeAlandhispartnerhave made it apoint to bash Chiltem through the newsletters of other gay and lesbian or- ganizations. To call us an exclusive, sexist organization with a declining membership is a blatant lie. Our membership has been steadily growing and is now over 1,000. As for the charge that the club is sexist, this is ludicrous as the executive committee is cur- rently made up of six men and four women. Men are in the majority of the general membership, but thanks to the active in- volvement of many new women leaders the percentage of women members is growing. To be labeled sexist by two men who re- fusedtodealwithmeasawomaninaposi- tion of authority is a hollow cry. To be smeared by those who are fellow members of the same community is certainly a dis- heartening experience. After all, Chiltem Mountain Club is here simply to offer op- September 1991 portunities for gays and lesbians to enjoy outdoor recreational activities in the com- pany of one another. Sincerely, Cindy Jatul Chair, Chiltem Mountain Club Executive Committee V letter to the Editor: She’s suddenly here, all the time. With the dog, her dog, and her in my arms, in my bed, with a ring on my finger, matching one on hers. She says she’s never leaving, like we've always been together, like we’re always going to be together. We shop, we clean, we cook, we laugh, we wear our baseball caps backwards. She plays catch with my sons while I write. I’m relaxed. I love it. I love her deeper and deeper every turn of the way, like a leaf floating down the river current, having gained all its life and letting go and going anew. We embark on something new and something familiar all at once. While others march on Gay Pride Day all over the country, I ride in her truck, hold- ing her hand, hugging her, loving her, lov- ing her, from my heart, so my children swell up and feel it with me. Others carry banners, shout slogans, while we shop in the Grand Union deciding on supper, like a family, like lovers, with our children. While others dance and sweat and celebrate their fieedom to love, we sit together and share an evening meal. It's all about acceptance. We have accepted ourselves. We have accepted who we are. We delight in our love and lust and right to be together. I adore her as she enters my bed all soft and warm and ready to hold me. I laugh with her as we awake anew in the early morning. I lean on her as we work our way through the long day. She is my companion, and today on Gay Pride Day, I think not of us being diffaent, but it is in our sameness that I revel in. It is in the ease with which our laughter blends, the way ourmindsshareavision,intheeaseofbe- ing ourselves together. I am glad for those out marching, out talk- ing, out singing, helping to shatter myths that restrict We in our simple course chal- lenge disbelief. ’ Moira- Waterbury, Vt V