Classifieds OIT M 's Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, services offered and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50¢ per word with a $5.00 minimum; for businesses, the charge is 75¢ per word with a $10.00 Subscribers to OIT M may place free advertisements in any category up to six times per year. 01T M ad- vises that you place or respond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume responsibility. To be considered for publication, ads must be received by the 1st of the month prior to the issue. Mail to PO Box 177, Burlington, VT, 05402. Payment must accompany your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). ANNOUNCEMENTS Susan, Carol, and Emma are thrilled to an- nounce the arrival of their daughter and sis- ter: Joya Nisha Payal Robin from New Dehli, India on April 20, 1991. COMING OUT DAY Coming Out Issue - Call for submissions for 0ITM’s annual Coming Out issue. Articles, photos, announcements, etc. due no later than September 3rd for publication in the October issue. While OH‘ M has a policy of main- taining confidentiality and will print unsigned articles, in the spirit of coming out, we es- pecially encourage signed articles for this is- sue. Please include address and phone num- ber for verification and send to OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. National Coming Out Day Celebration in Montpelier - The Vermont Coalition of Les- bians and Gay Men will be celebrating Na- tional Coming Out Day on October 12th. Workshop topics include legal issues, homo- phobia, history of the movement, safe sex, ra- cism, and self defense. “Gertrude Stein, Ger- trude Stein" will be performed on October 11 and 12th at the Barre Unitaritian Church. More details and the workshop schedule will appear in the next issue of OIT M. Call 229- 0109 or write PO Box 1125, Montpelier, VT 05602 for more information. P-FLAG Collecting Discrimination Stories - Members and friends of P-FLAG are asked to write a story or keep a journal of ap- proximately one week to document ways that anti-gay and lesbian discrimination affects them and their lives. Signed or unsigned sub- missions should be sent by September 15 to P-FLAG Discrimination Diary Project, PO Box 27605, Washington, D.C. 20038. P—FlAG will publish a selection for National Coming Out Day and may also use them in testifying for civil rights legislation. 22 GROUP ANNOUNCEMENTS Lesbian Support Group - Weekly meetings to support each other. Please call Claire at 524-2703 after 5 pm. on weekdays, anytime on weekends. Vermont Lesbian 8; Gay Parents - Month- ly Sunday Pot Luck Brunch. See the Cal- endar listing for dates. Call 660-2713 for lo- cation and more info. Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Adult Children of Alcoholics group meets Wednesday even- ings from 7-8:30 p.m. at Burlington College. Please join us. For more info. call John at 863-2437 (days). Lake Champlain Chapter P-FLAG (Par- ents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets at 2:00 p.m. on the'second Sunday of each month at OUTRIGHT VERMONT, 30 Elrnwood Ave., Burlington. For information, call Renee at 658-3961 or Gary at 229-5438, or call (518) 597-3555. Lesbian Cancer Support Group now meets bimonthly in the Burlington area. For more information, call 660-8386. Iris Lesbian Resource Network will be meeting informally through the summer, holding potlucks and connecting to attend community events. Please leave name and number (or address) with best time to reach you at Woman Centered, 229-6202. Attention: Gay and Lesbian Educators. GALE is a support group in the Pioneer Val- ley of Massachusetts with participants who are educators from a wide region in New England. If interested in getting on the mail- ing list, write: G.A.L.E.. PO Box 930, Am- herst MA 01004-0930. FOR SALE Foot Video. Foot fetishist delight. Two hr. VHS action packed video features 5 hot Chi- cago guys. $25.00 to : E. Kramer, PO Box 14784, Chicago, IL 60614. NETWORKING Greater Central Vermont Area gay men’s support/social network is alive and wel- coming new members. Hoping to offer week- ly meetings, social alternatives, and net- working, etc. Contact Box 301, Montpelier, VT 05602. NAMBLA seeks understanding for men and boys interested in consenual relationships. Our monthly Bulletin features news, fiction, letters pictures. Mailed discreetly. Subscribe! $25/year NAMBLA, PO Box 174, New York, NY 10018. Vermont PWA Coalition Fall Retreat - Annual Fall “Gathering“ (retreat) for HIV+/ PWA's September 12-14. 1991. Call (802) 254-8263 or write Vermont PWA Coalition, 4 High St. Suite 2-3, Brattleboro, VT 05301 for more information. Creating Change: A National Conference for Gay & Lesbian Organizing and Skills Building. Fourth Annual conference in Alex- andria, VA November 9-11. Call (202) 332- 6483 or write Creating Change 1991, NGLTF Policy Institute, 1734 14th St, NW, Washing- ton D.C., 20009-4309 for information and registration forms. Registration deadline 10/ 25/91 - early registration before 9/13/91. HELP WANTED Customer Service Representative - for ex- panding Fortune 500 health and nutrition marketing company. Five immediate open- ings in this gay-managed business. No sales experience necessary. Will train. Salary range: $1,100 P1‘ to over $2,800 FT plus bo- nuses! For application, send name, phone #, address, and brief resume to: HL Co., P.O.B. 56, Springfield VT 05156. FOR RENT 15 Miles from Dartmouth College. 3-4 bed- room fumished house available 91-92 school year. $900 per month plus utilities. 785-2428. Apartment for Rent. Charming accesssory apartment in private, scenic residence on Black Mountain in Dummerston, VT. - 2 miles off Putney Road (Rt. 5) Brattleboro - stone floor living room with fireplace - 1 large bedroom- available mid-August, $400 per month plus utilities. Some house watch- ing duties involved. Non-smokers preferred. Reference plus security deposit required. Call John (203) 828-3383. TRAVEL Gay country inn with 20 charming rooms, 100 scenic acres, heated pool, hot tub, hikingl skiing trails, spacious common areas, peace & privacy. We’re your perfect vacation choice year round! Highlands Inn, Box 118VT, Bethlehem NH 03574. (603) 869- 3978. Grace, Innkeeper. WANTED Wanted 3 Uncles: Looking for Gay men with high self-esteem willing to make long term investments in 3 boys ages 11, 12, and 8. One is very loud, musical, likes forts, frogs, and fishing. Another is quiet, reserved. likes tetherball and computers. The youngest maybe bi-lingual Spanish-American, happy disposition, likes most everything. If inter- ested call Holly or Cheri at 229-0109.