I CAN'T ozone WHAT TOME To TAKE I~xe{I~, “HAT Does "GLAD NE MET" MEAN? Is THAT LIKE, '50LoN6. HAVE A NICE LIFE," ox ' I’t>LIxI’_Tu 5ET‘!D Iwow you Barry? P ' AND , wHA'f DOES we LITTLE HEART MEAN? HER AJHDLE MESSAGE GINGER, You've scan I»/oIzII>Ic-rIot/5, Awe . HI5ro2I;S... we ALL HAVE IIIJRTCHIIDKEN 0H,(D/VIE oFF IT. you Know THAT 3 WAT You BOW WANT. LJFE HDULD B: A L01 SIMPLER IF NE w9?E ALL MORE HERE. LET ME INTERFRET I1. "DeAI<(,IIIc;I;I<, I'D LIKE ‘W Fuck YOU. ARE You LOOK, I Iutr METTHE woman. I DoIJ'rKN0w IF Hr/ANA/A SLEEP \,IIrI«I HEKAND I SURE /r5 HELL DON'T kNovJ IF I M/ANTTB 60 mo THERAPY I.IIrII HER! YEAH. [)ID)’ou EVER wouoék WHY YOU ALWAYS FALL FDR women l»/HO ARI-: SOMEHOW UNAI/AILABLL? AHH, SHE LIVES ‘Tb/D TIME ZoNES Au/A7 ANYHOM/. WHY DONIT YOU TR)’ FOR somz Loon Ac-non? SHE DRINK} ‘ wwroo MUCH 0'. n ’ 0 k A-.-;—._1i. fltiiiilt AAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAA Partners in Recovery and Growth Inc., Therapists Erica Marks, S.A.C., A.C.H., Director Giita Clark, Associate Sherry Hunt, B.A., A.C.I-I., Associate Sexuality, Substance Abuse, Spirituality, Parenting, Gestalt, T.A., Hypnosis, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale Phone: 865-2403 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 20 Human Rights Commission Compiles Lawyer Referral List, The Vermont Human Rights Commission now has available a list of lawyers front around Vermont who have indicated an interest in gay and lesbian issues. The Commission sent questionnaires to all li- censed attorneys in Vermont asking them to identify whether or not they were inter- ested in receiving referrals regarding spe- cific anti-discrimination issues. These in- cluded housing discrimination, employment discrimination, dis- crimination in places of public ac- commodation, federal civil rights, civil enforcement under the hate crimes act, and lesbian and gay issues. The Human Rights Commission’s law- yer referral list can be helpful for any person in need of consulting with or hir- ing an attorney to handle matters of par- ticular concern to gays and lesbians. The list can be used as a starting point in finding attorney representation. Having an attorney appear on the list only in- dicates has or her willingness to accept cases involving particular civil rights matters, but does not guarantee the at- tomey’s experience or competence. People interested in obtaining the list, which is organized by county, can do so by contacting the Human Rights Com- mission at 828-2480, or by writing to P.O. Box 997, Montpelier, Vermont 05601. Inquires made to the Commission are kept confidential. At this point, the referral service is being offered free of charge. V Wedauigi&pnnt $ 0 , _ 0 Great %etterheads Giveusacall... 864071 98 ‘V -. . gmphlcdwen&pnn1mg 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401