J » 4 -M ——— — -4- June 1991 W.0.W. Perennial Plant Swap, brunch, and planning session in Huntington, 11:00 a.m. For more info, call 454-8552. Springfest 1991 AIDS benefit for Ver- mont AIDS Council, 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Radisson Hotel (Adirondack Room), Burlington. Includes fashion show, live entertainment, and dancing. Cash bar. $10 - $20 sliding scale donation. For tickets or more information, call Travis at 626-3618 or Noel at 748-1024. 8-10 Long Trail Backpack with the Chiltem Mountain Club. Call Mike at (603) 644- 7658 for details. 8 Pride Day in Boston, featuring an appear- ance by Virginia and the Wolves at Club Indigo. 9 First Class Male touring male revue at Pearls in Burlington. $10.00 cover charge. 10 Poker night with Women of the Woods. “Last chance to get even.” Worcester, 6:30 p.m. Call 454-8552 for more information. 14 NH Pride March and Rally at the State House in ConcordNH. March starts at dusk with rally following. 15 Pride Day in New Hampshire at Pat’s Peak in Henniker. Featuring Teresa Trull, Kate Clinton, Romanovsky and Phillips, the Boston Gay Men’s Chorus, and Ladies Express. Admission is $15.00 with a dance in the evening. BBQ and Hiking with Rutland Area Gay/ Lesbian Connection at White Rocks Park in E. Wallingford. Bring your own goodies, etc. Meet at Grace Congregational Church In Rutland to carpool at 10:30 a.m. 16 - OITM All-Community Meeting. Make your voice heard as we hold our annual meeting for staff members, advertisers, readers, and anyone else who wants to get involved or share ideas and input. First floor of the classroom building, Vermont Law School (off exit 3 on I-89), So. Royal- ton VT, 1-3:00 pm: with reception follow- ing. Call 229-0109 for more information. 18 Romanovsky and Philips in concert at Contois Auditorium in Burlington, 8:00 p.m. Tickets on sale at door, $8-$15 sliding scale, available in advance at the Peace and Justice Center. Sponsored by OUTRIGHT VERMONT, Burlington Women’s Coun- cil, and Badgirls Productions. 21 Bonfire with Women of the Woods to celebrate the Summer Solstice or the end of school or whatever. Bring musical instru- ments, something to roast, and your lawn chair. Williamstown, 7:00 p.m. For more information, call 454-8552. “Come Camp in Queen City,” a dance to kick off Lesbian/Gay Pride 1991 at Contois Auditorium, City Hall, Burlington, 7- 11200 p.m. Door prizes for the carnpiest queer. Sponsored by OUTRIGHT VER- MONT and the Multicultural Council of Vermont. 22 VERMONT PRIDE DAY Pride Day in Burlington, Vermont. Rally at noon on Church Street side of City Hall; march begins at 12:30 followed by a rally until 3:00 (rain date in Contois Audito- rium). Live entertainment from 3-5:00. See article on front page for more details. Pride Day Dance featuring Virginia and the Wolves downstairs in Memorial Audi- torium, Burlington, 7-11:00 p.m. $6-$15 sliding scale admission. 22-23 Huntington Ravine Climb with the Chil- tern Mountain Club. Call Loren or Cindy for details at (617) 625-8537. 23 Lesbian and Gay Parents’ Social Group Sunday Pot Luck Brunch. Monthly social gatherings for lesbian and gay parents and their children. For more information, call Deb or Jane at (802) 660-2713. 28-29 Dance with "Two of Hearts" at the Keene Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Wash- ington St., Keene NH. 9 p.m. to midnight each night, $7.00. Benefits Monadnock AIDS Project and the NH Gay Info line. 29 Pride Day in New York City at Union Square Park, 2-6:00 p.m. rally. INDEPENDENCE DAY Fourth of July Festival and AIDS Benefit in Burlington. Art auction at Déja Vu res- taurant on Pearl Street in the morning; outdoor activities include flea market, food booths, AIDS info booths, face painting, music, and more. Huge street dance in the evening with "live bands, movers, shakers, and celebrities." 19-21 Climbing at Cannon Cliff NH with the Stonewall Climbers. For more informa- tion, call John at (202) 347-1511. 20 BBQ, games, etc. with Rutland Area Gay/ Lesbian Connection at Branbury State Park, Lake Dunmore, Salisbury, for the better part of the day. “Bring your own stuff.” 21 Lesbian and Gay Parents’ Social Group Sunday Pot Luck Bmnch. Monthly social gatherings for lesbian and gay parents and their children. For more information, call Deb or Jane at (802) 660-2713. KEEP Q5 PQ§TED! Please let us know of any events that you feel should be on our calendar so that we can share them with all our readers. ‘Send your group's listings or other informa- tion to: OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. Materials should be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication in order to be assured of appearing in print. 23 M