Stonewall Remembered (fi‘0mpage17) A friend, caught up in some activist group, one day stated baldly that “you’re not really gay unless you like to get fucked,” which pretty well left me out, and I saw the shadow of the True Believer, Gay Fascism and Political Correctness for a moment cross my sun. I remember marching at the front (I was a little bit compulsively excessive at the time) of the first Gay Pride Parade, up Fifth Avenue just like big people, under a child's-drawing yellow sun on blue sky, past crowds of quite puzzled shoppers, then debauching into Central Park. Lying on my back on the grass in the Sheep Meadow (not Strawberry Fields) with my lover on one side and his girl friend on the other, a swarm of TV microphone power-pack boys swooped in and, sticking a mike in my face, demanded, “So who does what to who?” Dykes to Watch Out For byAIison Bechdel O|$,\o1E. wER£ Busy.’ , ‘(HERE WA: RAct§’V\'n> CouFkouf.' swam! Ado Awnoul, LIE ow Jvsr MET OH, wow. LET ME cg-r THIS RI(,H1’. )bU5P€N HAS (orlFES$ED '71) wouilcwc I F(,IRTATIol/5 BEHAVIOR AT THE NATIO»/AL LESBIAN GINGER, I>ID)’oU EVER HEAR THE PHRASE "CARPF, DIEM?" wm IF sue cor: HOME AND FAu.6 FOR Somconlc Ewe OR was STRAIGHT ok WMDER} OFFTD Fou.ow HER wan I5 WITH You Two? LOOK. mar A wommr A coumeuce, 5:4; ms A1'rRAc1’H/E , we HADSOME GREAT CONVERSATION, we Bum Ftew Back To ouk Re5P£cr:ve HOMES wt-ucu AR: 2.000 MILES A END. g TOGETHER in THE HQTEL lboL? I we I EVER ‘rm You Aaeo'Rr 3'A5M!r~la? ' I/war HER ATAMEDITAVIDIJ t=.TReA1' HERE , No one WAS Mush/ED'n:TALK. ATTHEEND wow MAM AM :— Bur 1Dou r Mme mew or my, week SHE cue Me Hm Aeneas: AND RACIJM CDMFERENCG AND! PREFERTD HAVE wg EXCHANGED REAM5 op COSMIC LETTER} :-, 0dCE...NEHADPHONE mo mm Poems. so RoMA:./TM.’ “ s9< Lme you WOULWT ,1 . Beucvg rok MONTH} AFTER, Tru. H£R Touuo odT SHE WELL THAT} MATTER amuse ALL vazy TDUUJNG, rlurHw6 :5 sown TU H/lPP€M. 3 'T'D BE CM1/.' PHONE Bus! PLANE TICKETS .’TDr'lM€MT AND Lo»lcwe! U:~!- U»IH.'m£kt '1 »1B5OLt/TEL)’ No WAY 1 AM GETTNG IN»/a.veD N A LONG- DI5-rArJ£E Réumousmp. even suvrosmr. ; I WIKA was wrzkssrro. ARE >ou.suu you DIDN'T HAVE . sex um: HER? F June 1991 How could I answer someone who didn’t understand the proper use of the objective interrogative personal pronoun? I thought that Gay Pride march was a lark, lots of fun, but not all that important. Because I felt I'd already found my free- dom by acting free, not hiding, just being who I was, being gay on the streets, in my job, openly, painlessly. I had forgotten all the struggle it had taken me, and so many others, to achieve that freedom, all the pain of the dismal Fifties, the internal and exter- nal turmoil of the Sixties. The oppression of homophobia is still with us, as every young person growing up gay knows for sure. It took actually living gay for those kids at the Stonewall to wake us all up to the potential we have as people, as a commu- nity. You’ve got to be proud of them, and you’ve got to emulate them. You’ve just got to be yourself and proud of it. And you don’t have to like getting fucked. But it’s okay if you do. Al (frompage9) recent controversy over health care work- ers with HIV. The American Medical As- sociation and the American Dental Asso- ciation recently called for mandatory test- ing for HIV and AIDS, mandatory disclo- sure, screening of doctors and other health care workers, and restrictions placed on those with HIV. In doing so, the Significant Risk standard established in Arline once again came under debate. A recent conference of the Centers for Disease Control called such measures un- reasonable and alarmist. A number of legal and medical professionals reiterated what had already been stated in Arline: that a call for a zero per cent risk rather than a signifi- cant risk was far too problematic to imple- ment and might very well be impossible to maintain. Still, the debate continues, bringing Wolfson to comment that it’s “a battle we shouldn’t have to be fighting, (and one that is) consuming an awful lot of time.” Time is, after all, very much of the essence in dealing with AIDS and HIV on every level affected. Wolfson’s discussion of the legal issues surrounding AIDS and HIV made that clear, as well as demonstrat- ing the incredible number of areas encom- passed by those issues. 19 .