June 1991 Goslant to Receive Community Service Recognition Award by Larry Wolf Vermont Governor Richard Snelling will honor Keith Goslant on June 6 with a Community Service Recognition Award. Keith is one of nine Vermonters who will be receiving awards. Eight other awards willbe given to organizations. He is in good company — this year's recipients include the president of Make a Wish Foundation, the Good Samaritan House for Battered Women and Children, and the St. Johnsbury Tmcking Company for its con- tributions to the Vermont Food Bank. The Governor’s Commission on Vol- unteers, itself a volunteer organization, was created by Madeline Kunin in December 1989. The Commission received a great many nominations for its annual awards and developed a ranking scheme to evalu- ate the nominees. Their criteria included the need for the service, the effectiveness in achieving the stated goals, the innovative- ness of the work, and its encouragement of the use of volunteers. While Keith feels honored by the award, he is quick to point out that many others have also contributed a great deal of time and effort and that there is still much work to be done. "I may have been out there on the forefront," he says, "but I never had the feeling that I was out there alone." Keith has been an early and effective advocate for AIDS services and has pro- vided educational lectures to organizations ranging from the Vermont Police Academy to high schools to Rotary Clubs. He was one of the founders of Vermont CARES, the first AIDS service organization in the state. In 1988, Keith was instrumental in the passage of the state’s HIV anti- Tearls 135 Tear[5treet ’.Bur[ington, ‘Vermont In her letter of nomination, Deborah Kutzko, AIDS Program Manager for the Vermont Department of Health, states: “He has the unique ability to work with people of varying backgrounds and opinions to- ward a common goal. He has helped form AIDS service organizations in other areas of the state...works closely with hospice or- ganizations in the preparation of their vol- unteers. Keith is a strong advocate for people infected with the virus that causes AIDS. He appears tireless in his ability to respond quickly when needed by either a client or by other volunteers or organiza- tions.” Commission member Holly Wilson spoke to OITM about Keith’s work: “I'm really pleased for Keith to get this award. He’s done a significant amount of work in this area. Let’s face it, working with AIDS and gay issues has not always been popular. It’s not accepted like the PTA. Keith was right out there on the forefront. It’s not an easy field to work in. It’s very emotional. You see your friends die.” “Keith has been and continues to be a tremendous help to me, and to the AIDS service organizations that comprise the Vemont AIDS Coucil,” states its Executive Director, Erica Garfrn. She continues, “He’s a bottomless pit of information, he’s a great sounding board, and he’s a remark- able advocate for people affected by HIV.” Lauren Corbett, Executive Director of Vermont CARES, sums it up: “Not only has Keith served people living with HIV/ AIDS with his professional knowledge of mental health care, but also with his heart.” Tfie Tassion of ?ear£9... discrimination bill. His message is a consistent one: we June 7 ‘Women's Bufifizt aruf£Dance must confront the $5.00 5-9 p.m. ignorance and fear June .9 first Class Mafe revue Of AIDS With iI1f0f- $10'00 5.9 pm“ rnat1onandcompas- June 12 fasta Nwit with sron. For lndlVldU- Joe Cappe Quartet arufflllf zfilitotzzirfsgzgisgglse fiat -7"“; they must have the “£90” can ‘at Pasta best available infor- 5'9 P-"7~ mation in order to June 15 Ladies Lounge fiance - make infol-mgd dc- Ofzfies Nigfit cisions. $1.00 7-10 pm. June 1 7 {Men's Too[‘Zbumament Sign up at Bar, $5’ entry fee June 20 Juice Bar: 18 arufofafer Q)ownstairs at cfiznce Ear $3 cover June 23 {Piano Ear upstairs featuring C raig fliffiarzf 7-9 pm. June 30 ‘Bingo am{£Przza Nyfit The First Vermont Gathering of Gay, Lesbian, 8: Bisexual Therapists/Counselors Would you like to know who else is out there? We have 0 lot to talk about. This will be a day of meeting, eating, and playing. Bring food to share, games, your bathing suit, and anything else you'd like. Sunday, June 30, 1991, 11 a.m. ‘til we're done. Contact Crow (Carol Cohen) at 864-5595 or Walter at §63-5510 and we'll get you a map to Walter's house, where this will be taking place. We look forward to seeing you! 11