Out in the Mountains 3 Lfifemomprecedingpage) Those changes haven’t always been necessary from the point of view of AIDS prevention, and at times our own attitudes can be judgmental and puritanical on ques- tions of sexual activity. Some of this may be a natural overreaction to fears of transmis- sion, while some of it is an equally natural expression of changing sexual and emo- tional needs; what seemed fun and appro- priate in 1979 isn’t necessarily what we’re seeking from sex a decade later. So be honest with yourself. Have you given up those things because they aren’t a part of your needs anymore, or is there some new morality or fear keeping you from them? If you aren’t really wanting them now, that’s fine; put some time and energy into figuring out what would suit your needs right now. But if you feel you’re really longing for these things, they aren’t as unobtainable as you might ‘think. As long as the sexual activity itself is safe, there is no reason on earth that you can’t have as many partners as you can get, in whatever setting you want. Do you miss the baths? The bathhouse scene in Montreal is lively, and you can do lots safely there. Do you want anonymous sex? There are still plenty of places in Vennont where men can go to meet. Be creative in your search — take out a per- sonal ad, get your homiest friends together for an evening of porn tapes and safe sex, start a j.o. club—andyou mightbe surprised to find out how many men are looking for the same thing. It should be obvious, but it bears re- peating: safe sex isn’t a function of where you do it or how many people you do it with. It’s a simple question of the activities in which you participate. Once you’ve completed this exercise, there may be relatively few items left on your list that are totally off limits, and they’ll probably be related to two specific activities: fucking without a condom and (possibly) oral sex with ejaculation in the mouth. Still, while they may be only two ac- tivities, they are two of the most common and enjoyable things that gay men do to- gether. Cock-sucking and fucking are, for many men, an integral part of their sexual identity, and not something easily or pain- lessly forgone. Managing new approaches to them and maintaining safer sexual prac- tices are inevitably going to be challenging. In the next issue, we’ll talk about how we can deal with the constant risk of “slip- ping” and how to negotiate our way through staying safe and taking responsi- bility for ourselves. AIDS HOTLINES: ’ Burlington VT 054021 gDS__Commu1j1ity Action Project (ACAP) PO.Box'383 .- _ St. Johnsbury VT ,_,o5s19. ’(802)’758-8116 ; -; - work (ACIORN) I PO Box 2057 i A :LebanonjNH 03766 = (603) 44341400 2 Bennington Area AIDS Project 7 A .PO Box; 1066 1 . 7 - Benni_n’gton'V_'I‘ 05201 (802)442-4481 or 1-800-845-2437 .- Vermont V 1-800-882-2437 _New Hampshire ‘ 1-800-752-2437 :New York State ' 1.-8,00-541-2437. . ' Massachusetts. 1-617,-522-4090 »Main’e 1-800-851-2437 “National 1-800-I342-2437 _ Canadian 1-613-563-2437 ACT-UP-Vermont ‘ PO Box.16D,7 1 — A c /o__ Calerlorua Home 1-Iealth Agency . 1 cancersupt5ort.r;ro AIDS Community ‘-Resource Net-. . ‘ .3‘ ' 02 'Nofu1ea§g‘Kirggd¢m:’A1ps:fftizttitiivrt .v¢’iNeWP9rt‘VT':05855 fl , (.803)-f334‘.2437:‘ii °" . Nortlii-Star,(HliliAs_t;i'e: g _:s V . <8o2>n888+2858 s Health Resource.Orgonizationsi2 i. Brattleboro AIDS Project ‘ PO Box 2403 ' » . 4-High Street,_,$uite;2-3 _ Brattleboro 05301 ' (802) (Helpline) (802) 254-8263 (Office) Franklin-Grand" Isle ,AIDS:"fask‘Iiorce:t.‘ " A 8 Ferris:Stree't ’St.}1tA1ba,ns’V'lf.-054178 (802) 524«s554" __ H.E;A;L. Vermont‘. » 1 . Education "nati‘vesLia_ison) . ‘ ~ __ Montp'elie1'.YT 05602 ' 1' 2 (802) _;g94_325' . - (2392): 1660-8386.-*A:—;,:. - Morriévifle VT 05661:” ‘ 2 ~ i"‘PQfBox 225. ‘ ' ‘;‘lY9m!Ofl?.§¢é€3«’R§E.'A‘ ‘_E.dfic_atlOn’,_;;_a_nd' Services) :PQ.B6i<:‘5248:‘.,i.~ ‘ 30iElmwopdIAveni1e’ - :, =B‘ur1iftgto' 3 fjc (8W29.255, (Ci)jni'm'tté‘e *f¢r."'