Sanders Co-sponsors Gay Rights Bill by Larry Wolf During the week of April 12, Repre- sentative Bernie Sanders (Independent) made good on his campaign pledge to learn more about the need to include lesbians and gays under Federal Civil Rights legislation and became a co-sponsor of the Civil Rights Amendment Act of 1991 (HR 1430/ S 574). Dykes to Watch Out For 1//lo ND HARRIET ARE 62-r-rude Dow AND DIR-r)’. «X4»: 1115 AMERICAN EMPIRE a:m'mut-:5 IT)’ NExo¢ABLE D£a»£ BEHIND A FACADE oF >’ELww—BER1B80NED DENIAL. OUR Pmzur HERANE5 Q>J1’IrJU£, NTHEIR ow INEXORABLE H/A)’, 10 ilouklsi-1 THE Representative Sanders states: “I agree this is an important piece of legislation, and I am proud to be a cosponsor. “There is little question that Americans face hostility and prejudice because of their admittedorperceived sexual orientation. In addition to the trauma which discrimination inflicts on individuals, it robs our nation of the talents of millions of its citizens. by Alison Bechdel l$u'1’1His GREAT, HARRIET? tromwc CLAN THIS VACANT LOT VCRTHE PEOPLE,’ CULTURAL DNER5|Ty’l'o 1’u.L‘n-IE 5041.! ‘N1a=.' :5 norm: wow I'D 55. GLORJDUJ cum :3 none LIKE IT. CAN YOU w«6NE ‘S/>00 L£3BwI5 FROM Nam)’ Evyzy u/Ay I IMPORTANT PART- oF Ln-'5 H(1DNG Pualtky 5Ess:ou} » - N0, NM Tulf VUITIN6 ATLANTA RXTHE rJImalAL LESBIAN CDNFEENCE. fr «Jaw: AND curuce ARE swmuc. ram smrcuz chad, Honey, \./Ax; UP.’ _, Ir’: ‘nmewonxe My Tmmmwe! ' IT’) IMPokrNT-nw wen; 6671459..’ ubmuc M HARNJWNHN "q MATURE.’ minus»: outs:-Mu. V um’. me nun‘; Lwuaeo ao- svsrzns! LA‘/IMGTHE Giawubxx FOM susmuxtu cwmflvry! I557, HARRIET,’ lCAN'T 31110 GETTN6 DIRT UNDEKN FINGERNA 11.5. Do we HAVE Aw gun/es? fl I ELSE.’ or coussenws Nerwomue was me Aosr _ I on m; CHART warm in ME. VT WA) Somemwe N " " "The US government has not fulfilled its responsibility to protectall of its citizens from discrimination. I believe HR 1430 provides important and fundamental pro- tection to lesbians and gays. “Further, I have recently co-signed a letter to President Bush requesting that he change the Pentagon’s archaic and de- structive policy of barring all gays and lesbians from the military. The letter urged him to afford our gay and lesbian troops the same well-deserved respect he has given to our other servicemen and women.” According to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, there are currently 100 cosponsors for the Civil Rights Amendment Act of 1991. This represents an all-time high for the level of support for the bill. By becoming a cosponsor, a legislator not only goes on record as supporting the bill, but also becomes an advocate for its passage. Vermont's senators, while gener- ally supponive of gay and lesbian issues when they come to a vote, have not signed on as co-sponsors. The NGLTF is about to start a postcard campaign to increase sup- port for this legislation. Call them at (202) 332- 6483 for more information. The Civil Rights Amendment Act of 1991, also known as the Federal Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Act, would extend to gays and lesbians the provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act which bars discrimi- nation on the basis of race, color, sex, religion and national origin in housing, employment, federally assisted programs and public accommodations. This amend- ment was first introduced by Bella Abzug in 1975. It has gained increasing support in each legislative session since then. It is worth noting that one of the largest single actions taken to end racial discrimi- nation was President Truman’s executive order which created a racially integrated armed services. It would be a major step forward if George Bush took a similar step with respect to lesbians and gays in the military. Special Note: As 0ITM‘s editorial staff changes, the pa er will take a short break an resume publication with a July/August issue in mid- summer.