Are your car insurance rates driving you up the wall? } Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington 863-3808 /lIlslale® Allstate lnsurance Company, Northbrook, IL March 1991 (frompage16) who has two obsessions: starting a trend in punk spike hairstyles and clandestine body building with the wife of a local Xerox executive; the Karma Cafe proprietor, who does past life regressions over tofu platters; the neighborhood prowler; the Commu- nist; the bom-agains; the gay men; the su- permarket gossipers; et al. They all live in Roches Ridge... and what's even stranger (and gives this novel much of its flavor and charm) is the level of tolerance and accep- tance in their human interactions. As the creator, Alther succeeds in crafting this bizarre assortment of people and all their emotional baggage into a kind of mundane, "live and let live" community. Nothing is very ordinary, or close to status-quo nor- mal, or even very pretty, but somehow, everything is OK. As Clea is finally able to come to terms with all that surrounds her, instead of editing out life's imperfections, she discovers some fundamental elements of her persona and unearths her "bedrock." When all was said and done, I asked myself whatl got out of reading this book. It's a far cry from reality and while many of the characters are likeable, some of them are downright offensive. Clea's character is, at times, a bit drawn out and self-indul- gent. And the book does little or nothing to enhance the Vermont tourist trade (maybe that's was written). More than once, I found myself thinking, if this is Vermont subculture, I'm ready to move to San Fran- cisco! In the end, what makes Alther appeal- ing and entertaining is her imagination and skill as a writer. If this book is lacking in AAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA political correctness or human etiquette, it compensates with its magnanimous vision of the willingness of the human spirit to grow and change in an environment that offers nurturing by mere acceptance. It's a positive vision, and one from which we can all learn. Women Helping Bat- tered Women Initiates Speakers Bureau Women Helping Battered Women announces its newest community educa- tion project, the Women Helping Battered Women’s Speakers’ Bureau. Staffed by trained community educators, the Bureau is available to provide presentations, work- shops, and in-depth training to local groups on the subject of domestic violence. Women Helping Battered Women is a non-profit United Way agency which has provided services to battered women and their children for the past seventeen years. The agency provides emergency housing, 24-hour crisis support, life planning, and educational services to over 1,000 clients each year. For more information on these pro- grams, write PO Box 1535, Burlington VT 05402 or call the office at (802) 658-3131. The emergency Hot Line number is (802) 658-1996. Partners in Recovery and Growth Inc., Therapists Erica Marks, S.A.C., A.C.H., Director I Giita Clark, Associate Sherry Hunt, B.A., A.C.H., Associate Sexuality, Substance Abuse, Spirituality, Parenting, Gestalt, T.A., Hypnosis, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups T 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale Phone: 865-2403 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 19