Out in the Mountains A unique and diversified experience awaits those planning to attend the April 5tl1 show of Matrix and the Kwanzaa Per- cussion Ensemble. These two well loved and highly contrasted all-women Vennont performing groups will bring to the audi- ence an unusual multi-media and cross- cultural production drawing from many comers of the world as well as from the rich experiences of women’s lives. Matrix, a nine member ensemble from central Vermont, has been performing music of the Balkan countries and Eastern -/ A " /7 Kanzaa (top) and Matrix (bottom) will perform together at Burlington ‘s Contois Audtorium on April 5, 1991 . Europe for nearly a decade. Matrix per- forms the hauntingly beautiful a cappella songs of rural village women who have passed on their music via an oral tradition. Matrix also brings to its audience the lively dances and offbeat instrumental pieces of the Balkans. The music performed by Matrix sings of women’s lives. Many of the pieces were traditionally sung at rituals, celebrations, and at work in the fields. The music ranges from songs so ancient they retain their pagan roots to more contemporary rendi- tions of village pieces. Kwanzaa Per- cussion Ensemble, a Vermont-based women’s percussion group, brings an en- tirely different feel- ing to the evening with its upbeat and dynamic perform- ance of African song, dance, and percus- sion. Kwanzaa is dedicated to building bridges between cul- turally diverse com- munities, sharing music, song and dance from indige- nous societies, par- ticularly African. Kwanzaa will perform traditional works from Cuba and Haiti as well, along with contemporary women’s pieces and original creations of the band. A slide show of women of the world will accompany the live music and women’s writings. Both groups will appear together at a benefit concert on April 5, 1991, at 8:00 p.m., at Contois Auditorium at City Hall in Burlington. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the Peace & Justice Center or through the Women’s Council in Burling- ton. Tickets may also be purchased at the door on the night of the show. The performance is being sponsored by the Burlington Women’s Council. All proceeds will go to the Kwanzaa Education Fund. The suggested donation is $5-$15. For more information call the Women’s Council at 658-9300 or Yiota Ahladas at 658-5126. The event is wheelchair acces- sible. Lesbians Set the Records Straight (so to speak) All lesbians worldwide are invited to enter their favorite record(s) in the First Annual Book of Lesbian World Records to be published by Seahorse Productions of California. “We want your stories, graphics, car- toons, photos, and any writings expressing serious, political, or humorous achieve- ments,” state the publishers. “No one will be denied entry for excessive creativity. This is your recorded lesbian herstory.” For more information, send a self- addressed stamped envelope to: Seahorse Productions, 1918 Lakeshore Ave., Suite 32, Oakland CA 94606. The deadline for submissions is Sep- tember 15, 1991. Tax Preparation Accounting Services PO Box 43] Essex Junction VT 05453 (802) 879-4596 Charlotte L. Vincent, E.A. Enrolled to practice before the I.R.S. Individuals Businesses Corporations 863-8326 PEACE on EARTH STORE I Gifts for Friends Who Care About The Fate of the Earth Rainforest Crunch, more... I Books, Games, Clothing. Nicaraguan Coffee, 186 College Street (upstairs) 863-8326 M-F 10-5; SAT 1-5 18