Out in the Mountains took a lot of courage on their part to pull that weekend offl All men are welcome to come join us. We have monthly meetings the second Sunday of every month at 6: 30 p.m. Recently we have been holding the meet- ings at the Tai Chi studio at the Chase Mill in Burlington. The meetings are an oppor- tunity for us to share, witness, discuss, and drum the male experience together. All Men Alive! functions are alcohol and drug free. To contact Men Alive! write PO Box 423, Burlington, VT 05402 or call Barry at (802) 865-2247. OUTRIGHT Vermont OUTRIGHT Vermont is a statewide organization which provides support for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth (GLB youth), ages 22 and under. Our goal is to create an environment in which all young people can grow and realize their full po- tential, unencumbered by the weight of hate and fear. To accomplish this, OUT- RIGHT Vermont provides educational programs and outreach services which challenge stereotypes, homophobia and prejudice and foster sensitivity and under- standing of the special issues facing GLB youth. We provide presentations and train- ings for schools, youth, rel;igious and community organizations andmental health agencies and practioners. We are available for phone inquiries on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9-5 at (802) 865-9677. OUTRIGHT Verrnontprovidesadrop- in space for young people from 1-5 pm on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. We also provide a weekly support group for young people, sponsor various social events and a weekly PFLAG group. A library of books, periodicals and professional resources is available. OUTRIGHT Vennont has recently es- tablished an Info-Line 800 number , GLB CHAT (1-800-452-2428) which operates in Vermont and New Hampshire. Volun- teers staff the Info-Line Mondays, Wednes- days, and Fridays from 7-10 pm. GLB youth who are unable to visit the OUT- RIGHT office may call during these times, contact us atPO Box 5235, Burlington, VT 05402, or call (802) 865-9667 during office hours. R8 Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) is a national group with chapters all over the\cQuntry. It’s primary objective is to help families and their les- bian and gay members to understand and love one another, and to offer support where needed. There are a number of P-FLAG chap- ters in Vermont all of which welcome new members. The SW chapter meets the first Sunday of every month at 2:00 in the Manchester Congregational Church (across from Equinox House) and can be contacted through PO Box 92, Manchester, VT 05254. In the Rutland area write 11 North St. ,Rutland, VT 05701 or call (802) 773-7601. The newest chapter of P-FLAG in Vermont is the Burlington area group which meets the second Sunday of every month at the office of Outright Vermont, 30 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, VT. Contact them by writing Becky Stader c/o Christ Church Presbyterian, Redstone Campus, Univer- sity of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05401, by calling her at (802) 862-1898, or by calling Lil at (802) 863-4285. Sexual Assault Crisis Team The Sexual Assault Crisis Team was started in 1984 and serves the Central Ver- mont area; though people as far away as New Hampshire have used their services. The Team maintains a 24 hour hotline for rape and incest survivors. Team members have received special training in many areas, including issues of concern to the gay and lesbian community. In addition to the hot- line, the team is involved in community education and support groups. Contact the Team at PO Box 1313, Montpelier, VT 05602 or by calling (802) 223-7755. Women Helping Battered Women Women Helping Battered Woman is a collectively structured feminist organiza- tion that is committed to working to end violence against women and children. Our services - a 24 hour crisis line, emergency shelter, advocacy, and support groups - are available to all women and their children who have been or are being physically, emotionally and/orpsychologically abused. Women Helping Battered Women currently offers two short-term support groups (day and evening) and one long- term evening support group. Because we believe that lesbians seeking our services have concerns and experiences that are unique from those of heterosexual women, such as being lesbians in a heterosexually defined and homophobic society, a support group solely for lesbians is now being formed. In addition to these support groups, the shelter sponsors a weekly film and discus- sion, pot-luck dinner, and brunch. Contact Women Helping Battered Women at (802) 658-3131 or through the hotline at (802) 658-1996. Addison County Women in Crisis (802) 453-4754 Sexual Assault Crisis Team of Washington County Hotline (802) 223-7755 Umbrella Women's Center One Prospect Ave., St. J ohnsbury, VT058 19 (802) 748-8645 For confidential AIDS Information Call 1-800-882-AIDS